Out for a swim



Merry Christmas!!!

We have been getting settled more and more each day. I was asked about our house and here are a few picture of it. We have a gated three bedroom/three bath home in a complex called Land & House in Chalong. The boys are sharing a room here so we can prepare them for when we get back to Canada. Emma is done with sharing with Easton she said; she is ready for her own girl space. It has marble floors and has a lot of room; the spacious bathrooms alone have been worth the move from our first place here. In the master suite it has his & hers toilets (I’m loving it)

There is a man made lake that surrounds the complex. The population of the gated community is 80% Thai 20% western (European, American, Canadian) There is a lot of half and half living here, (western man with Thai woman).

We are at the pool in our complex for the day and it has two pools. The kids had a great time. We met a family from Italy and 202they have three children ages 15,6,3. they are also trying out Phuket for one year to see if they like it enough to move here full time.





The pools are beautiful; nice and big. Everett keeps going underwater because he loves it, Easton and Emma are on their own swimming all over. The boys have there trusty full brim hats to keep the sun off there super white skin. Our kids are always the only ones in hats and full sun suits (little nerds ..)







Easton is enjoying his Thai boxing and is the champion of the world. If he keeps this up he may have a chance against Everett who seems to take rounds out of him already. Easton likes this coach but does not like the “woman” as he calls her, she is not as fun and she makes him work hard.(it’s good for him)

We went for supper to a restaurant called “Parlai” on the beach the other night. We watched all the fisherman come in and bring there daily catches. Easton ordered the catch of the day and then Trent went to picked it out of the tank. That is fresh fish! The food was amazing! One of our favorite dishes is chicken and cashews, at this restaurant is was delicious. However we had this other dish and we could not even hold our lips together they were on fire so bad. No one at this restaurant spoke English so we have no idea what was so hot but it sure was good. Easton loved his fish and ate the whole thing, not even sharing very much.

The food is so full of flavor I don’t know how we will enjoy food back home. Our dishes are usually around $2.50/plate for chicken plates and are amazing. I am going to take a Thai cooking class so hopefully I can cook a dish or two when we get home.


Finally we have made it to the beach. We went to Naihar Beach which is on the south end of the island. The tsunami hit this beach; the devastation was not as bad as some beaches more up north which we have not been to yet.

We met a family the other night at the mini golf restaurant and they are

from Calgary. This family has been living in Kazakhstan for the last four years and vacation at Christmas on Phuket. The dad and one of the daughters were on the beach at the time the tsunami was moving in. They said they noticed the water and things were not right, they ran and



ran got in the car and drove until they were able to stop. It shook them up and








207they needed to come back this year for them, to heal. As you look at this beach you would never know that a year ago anything happened as it is beautiful and the sand is perfect.






The ocean is crystal clear and the sand is so soft. The beach front is huge and is the perfect play ground for the kids. The water is quite shallow for along way so we let the kids run free. Everett was unsure of the waves coming in at him and he did not like the salt water. Em & East of course were in heaven. It was not really hot or sunny this day, it started to rain when we left so it was a great day to be at the beach for the kids to not bake in the sun.

We dug a nice big hole for the kids at one point to keep them together for a picture and it was nice to have them in one spot for a while with out constantly counting 123,123, 123, to see three bodies.

Everett had to be buried at one point so Emma could try to build a sand castle with out Everett coming along to tease his sister.


Of course we found the answer to get the kids to sit of a few minutes, ICE CREAM! They are Trent’s kids, like their father they LOVE their ice cream…

There is not alot of people here in Phuket. We have been told since the tsunami so many people had to move off the island because they lost there business because of lack of tourism. They project at least another two-three years before phuket is even close to what it was like in terms of tourism. It is beautiful and is so sad on how the media can destroy people’s lives with miss information. There is no doubt the tsunami did take lives and I don’t want to be disrespectful but island wide damage is nothing to the extent the media made it out to be. The water did not take all of phuket under; it only affected a very small part of it. It goes to show how you can not believe everything you watch or read and you have to dissect information for yourself ( I of 209

course like to challenge what I hear) no surprise to most..haha. hence our trip to Phuket, Thailand

Anyways, I went to an aerobics class last night and it was good, it was nice to be out. What seems to take us an hour to do back home takes three hours here if not more with the kids. So my class was very nice just to enjoy the warm breeze and not hear Mommy, Mommy, Mommy…

It is the 14th of December and we are going to get a Christmas tree soon which will be interesting trying to keep Everett away from. Santa is not to be found here on the island so I am pretty bothered by that, unless we find him Christmas Eve at a resort. I love Christmas at home with all the festivities and the sounds of it all, so next year I would like to be home.

Not much else is happening. We checked out a school for the kids but they want them to come M-F from 8:ooam – 3:oopm, no way will we do that to them so instead we are looking at other options. Before we know it Emma will be in grade one and going full time so we will savor this time with her as much as we can this trip.

Christmas Eve we are going to go sing Christmas carols and Christmas day we are going for a home cooked Christmas dinner at a pub owned by these Americans. Trent went to basketball the other night and met some great guys so we are meeting more people. There is a very high population of either European, American, or Canadian guys who have married or date Thai woman so alot of the woman don’t always speak alot of English but we make it work.

It is funny; Trent and I both have said that without being aware we have both reverted to Spanish when we are trying to communicate with someone. I have said things in Spanish I didn’t even realize I knew, but the Spanish does not work here so we are working on Thai. There is not alot of words in Thai but there are different tones. You can say the same word but it will have a different meaning depending on the tone of you voice. The language is challenging.

Again a very Merry Christmas and we send all our love. We look forward to hearing from you.

Love Jode and my crew


  • Reply
    Tom and Tracy
    December 16, 2005 at 6:20 am

    Hello Schmus,

    I’ve really been enjoying your blogs with the great stories and funny photos. I’m sure all of your friends and family will be missing you dearly at Christmas time this year, so I thought that I would write about something cheery and really, what’s cheerier than Christmas? So, on with the show.

    Christmas Quiz. See below for the answers.

    A) Can you name all of Santa’s Reindeers? No Trent, it’s not Sleepy, Doc, Dopey etc.

    B)The following list shows the Christmas Greetings that are said in a number of countries. Which one is not correct:

    i)Afrikaans: Gesëende Kersfees
    ii) Italian: Hava Gooda Christmasa
    iii) Hawaian: Mele Kalikimaka ame Hauoli Makahiki Hou
    iv) Czech: Prejeme Vam Vesele Vanoce a stastny Novy Rok
    v)Thai: Sawadee Pee Mai

    C) Which of the following statements are actual Christmas Superstitions around the world?

    i) “To have good health throughout the next year, eat an apple on Christmas Eve.”
    ii) “Snow on Christmas means Easter will be green.”
    iii) In Devonshire, England, a girl raps at the henhouse door on Christmas Eve. If a rooster crows, she will marry within the year.
    iv) You will have as many happy months in the coming year, as the number of houses you eat mince pies in during Christmas time.
    v) You should always have a fridge full of beer during the Christmas Season.

    What’s Christmas time without the sound of laughter, so here’s a few jokes to tell all of your new friends in Thailand. Yes, they are lame and probably at the level of a four year old, but I’m sure Trent and the kids will enjoy them.

    1. Question: What’s red and white and gives presents to good little fish on Christmas?
    Answer: Sandy Claws.

    2. Question: What do you get when you cross a snowman with a vampire?
    Answer: Frostbite.

    3. Question: What do snowmen eat for breakfast?
    Answer: Snowflakes.

    Answers to the Quiz:
    A) Dasher and Dancer and Prancer and Vixen, Comet and Cupid and Donner and Blitzen.
    B) (ii) The correct Italian greeting at Christmas is Buone Feste Natalizie.
    C) All are true, especially number (v).

    I read that you were going to go Christmas Caroling, so I thought I would include the words of my all time favourite Christmas Song for your reading enjoyment:

    Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer…
    You know Dasher and Dancer and Prancer and Vixen, Comet and Cupid and Donner and Blitzen,
    but do you recall the most famous reindeer of all?
    Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer, had a very shiny nose.
    And if you ever saw it, you would even say it glows.
    All the other reindeer used to laugh and call him names;
    they never let poor Rudolph join in any reindeer games.

    Then one foggy Christmas Eve, Santa came to say:
    “Rudolph, with your nose so bright, won’t you guide my sleigh tonight?”
    Then how the reindeer loved him, as they shouted out with glee: “Rudolph, the Red-Nosed Reindeer, you’ll go down in history.”

    I was trying to find a good recipe for turkeys, but as there’s probably not a Safeway down the street from you, I thought that you might like to try something different. So here’s a Christmas Recipe for you to try from Italy. I’m not sure what it makes but it sounds good.

    Torte Vigilia Di Natale
    Traditionally served on christmas eve in Italy.

    1 cup water
    1 cup sultanas
    1/4 cup chopped walnuts
    1/4 cup chopped almonds
    1 cup sugar
    1/2 cup butter/margarine
    1 egg
    2 teaspoons vanilla
    1 teaspoon baking powder
    1/2 cup sifted flour

    1. Mix together water, sultanas, walnuts and almonds in a saucepan and bring to boil.
    2. Reduce heat simmer for 5 minutes. Cool
    3. Cream butter and sugar.
    4. Add egg. Beat well.
    5. Add vanilla. Add sifted flour and baking powder to creamed mixture.
    6. Add fruit mixture. Blend Thoroughly.
    7. Pour into well buttered 20cm square tin.
    8. Bake at 180 degrees celcius for 30 minutes.

    We were at Teagan’s Christmas Choir Pageant tonight. It was fantastic. I had my video camera there and stood with all of the other dads video-taping the songs. It was one of those very proud/fun moments as a dad that you watch your little girl singing and everything else, all the stresses of work just fade away and you get swept up in the moment. Can’t say enough how much I enjoyed it. Leah is a handful and is so excited about Christmas. All of her toys are starting their Christmas lists as well, so if there is a lottery in Thailand I might need you to buy me a ticket.

    The girls rooms are all decorated and we seem to have twice as many stockings hung up around the house than I think we need. I don’t recall there being 15 of us in the house, but I may be wrong. Perhaps I’ve been counted twice?

    Tracy is doing just great. She loves decorating at Christmas and it’s definitely one of her favorite times of year. You should see our house – it’s become a Winter Wonderland. I think we’re going to need a bigger house in a few years just for the decorations.

    Tanner (our dog) still wipes his butt all over my pillow in the mornings when I get up. Seriously. I have no idea what he’s doing. It’s the same thing almost every morning. I get up, I’m three feet from the bed and he jumps up and starts going to town on my pillow? I’m thinking of taking him to some Pet Psychologist or something. If you have any Thai friends that are having the same problem with their pets, please ask them for any advice that they may have. I’ll keep you posted on this.

    Our other dog Blake, well, he doesn’t want anything to do with my pillow. Enough said.

    So that’s it. I’ll write you again in a few more days. Take Care.

    Tom & Tracy

  • Reply
    December 15, 2005 at 11:29 pm

    Oh I miss you all so much.I started crying when I read your email;You know your Mom its Christmas time and I cry so easy.But Im crying cause I miss you all.My house sold .a young girl 29 years old bought it .She is a phsychitrist at the prison very nice girl.Went with Bonnie for her ultrasound.It was pretty neat ,but I felt like Jennifer Aniston in Friends.Remember that episode when she had the ultasound?I couldnt tell what was what .Silly Mom haha.everyone is good here .Bonnie said that you are going in the delivery room with her and Troy .How exciting for you to watch little Keidis John being born.Miss you all hugs and Kisses to you all …Love Mom …Yes Ginger is right we would Love to see some pictures of Jody just to make sure you are really there.Dont get me wrong I love all the pictures but would love to see you to …Love Mom

  • Reply
    December 15, 2005 at 7:42 pm


    Great posting. Again, fantastic pictures…someone take one of Jody so we know she’s there!!! Looks like tons of fun. Our neighbors, the Benjamins, have always said that the food is incredible so you confirmed it! I am jealous. It is amazing because you are saying you are doing so many things that don’t seem any different than here like basketball with Americans, Canadians, etc. It obviously isn’t that remote or unwestern, I guess. At least a lot more so than Margarita Island. What a great looking beach. It sounds like three months is going to go by way too fast for you. That is nice you are going to try and do some Christmasy things like a tree and Santa…you mean there aren’t any mall santas? Malls? Well, we are all ready for Christmas here pretty much. Bark and Sal had a 3D/4D ultrasound yesturday and ‘yes, it really is a girl’ (like we all already knew from the first one… the disbelievers). She is very anxious to have it. Pregnancy is wearing on her. I have a feeling she’ll be earlier than Jan. 11.
    Speaking of…Congratulations Bonnie, we’re happy for you.
    Well, take care.
    Happy Holidays.

  • Reply
    December 15, 2005 at 6:08 pm

    hello all. i love eastons picture with the boxing gloves!! a true champ. and the one with all 3 in the sand hole, so cute. we miss you very much here. i cant believe xmas is so soon. im going to finish my shopping today. i went to the 3D ultrasound yesterday………….its official,A BOY!!!little Keidis John. i cant wait. i just knew it. so i have acouple favours. ive pretty much worn my little china shoes right thru. i was hoping if you see anything like them you could pick me up a pair. only if you see them at a market or something. if you wouldnt mind taking a look. and also i have to ask about your crib when you get back. will everett still be in one? if you are done with it, could i borrow it for about a month. i broke harlows, and we rigged it good here, but would be a buggar to move. but anyways, no big deal. harlow is starting to stand on her own. just a bit. she cant wait to play with the kids. she will seem like a whole new kid to you guys when you get back. so jode be excited, you get to see your nephew be born when you get back, WOOHOO!!! i already look now like i did when i had harlow. im fat! k gotta run, harlow just woke up. miss you love you, bon

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