We are so thankful!!

As you know my wonderful gramma passed away and so these days have been difficult being away from my family. I will ALWAYS have my gramma in my heart and be thankful that I had so much time with her as well my kids were able to experience some memorable times with her.
Being away has been hard, yet having three little kids to chase does not allow you to sit and be sad the way I would like at times, I still have to be a nurturing mom for them. What I am most proud of is that our kids don’t associate death as negative because my dad & auntie Wendy (whom passed six years ago) They think being up with God is great and one day they will get to meet Pops (my dad) who they hear about all the time. To see them talk so freely about Gramma is refreshing for me.

So as my gramma has said “This is life now deal with it” tough nut she was.

Thank you to your supportive email to me and my family, I have appreciated them very much..

Now on a happy note. We have ventured and seen a few things lately. The weather still has not turned around and so it is to cold to go to the beach or pool except for this afternoon the sun finally showed itself.

The Phuket Aquarium was interesting, we saw many Nemo’s there, a walk through tunnel to watch all the fish swim around us. At ocean park in Hong Kong had the best fish aquarium I have ever seen so this one here in Phuket was ok. We saw these unbelievably huge Giant Gruperts. I could not believe how big they were, they would swim around and roll their eyes to look at you, it was kind of creepy. ( I don’t have the disk with me of the picture right now, next time)
Then we were out for a drive in the morning looking for a waterfall in the hills and we came across this elephant safari. It was the neatest thing. Trent, Emma & Easton loaded up on one very big elephant and Everett and I boarded on RAMBO our 10yr. old elephant. I said to Trent if the animals don’t look good we are out of here but again the handlers were very nice and always had smiles on their faces.
It was one of the greatest experiences. Trent and the kids were in lead as we were walking. Our elephants had to go down this big embankment to get to the river, Trent was hanging on for dear life, he almost went off. This slope was pretty big and these enormous animals had to take it nice and slow. Of course the kids thought it was great and they got to be in the presence of these very powerful animals. As we were walking Trent’s elephant had to move a log with its trunk, he picked it up with such ease.

We were up on their backs for about a half an hour and amazingly enough Everett sat down with me. He thought it was pretty neat to yell “daddy” and wave. I never really noticed and thought about it but elephants have a lot of hair all over their body, very black hair.
I wonder what the elephant thought when Trent go off his back. The handlers picked Trent to come to the front to make sure he was on the largest elephant out of the four of them.

When we returned Trent & Emma got off the elephant and the handler grabbed Easton and brought him to sit on the elephants head with him to walk around. That was pretty neat but Easton was unsure. Easton gets presidential treatment for his looks ( being so white and a red head) and cute smile. He is so used to people grabbing him and touching his hair now. We buzzed his head before we left and you couldn’t really see his hair color but now it is growing back you really notice his orange hair as he calls it. He reminds me more and more of my dad.

When we returned to the tower to be let off the elephants, one elephant had to relieve himself, oh my goodness it was like a waterfall. The elephant though had the sense to spread its legs, I thought that was pretty smart, must have been a female 🙂

I wanted to cry because my battery went dead in my camera and my back up was dead because the converter we had blew up the night before (so I didn’t get the pictures I desperately wanted). The kids said “We have to come back and do this again then” yes we do…

That was pretty cool riding those elephants;

Out for supper at a pub the other night and a live band was playing. Easton asked if he could go on stage. I never thought he would ever go up there but he did and they gave him a tambourine to play. It was so cool, he stood up there song after song playing away. I have always said Easton will be into some sort of music, he loves it and it was so great he felt so comfortable on stage. Who knows what the next years will bring! I asked him if he would like to take lessons and play the guitar like the band, he said very confidently “I already know how to play Mommy” (so I have been told)

At this pub I ordered this fish called Antarctica butter fish. It was delicious for anyone who has the opportunity to try some, very good.

* This will be a good one to share with the class Mrs. Brandt.

Here in Thailand they have acres and acres of trees with little cups at the bottom of them and I wondered why.

103These trees are rubber trees.
The trees are planted and mature for about 13yrs. The farmers then go out at midnight or one o’clock in the morning when the trees are warm inside and score the trees. They don’t cut a lot but make a diagonal cut from one side of the tree to the other. It will take about two hours for a white substance






104(rubber) to drip out of the tree into these little cups that catch the liquid.
To make approx. 1 kg of rubber they need about 20 full cups of liquid. They then pour the 20 cups in a pan along with water and acid; they make a paste then put it through a pressing machine which the rubber is still





105 white. The rubber strip is then hung in the sun to turn color an then it is pressed again.

The trees last about 50yrs and then they are cut down to make furniture. The rubber made here is then transported back to North America to make tires, soles for shoes, toys almost everything rubber we use.

Emma is holding a piece of rubber that is approx. 1 kg. 1 kg or rubber is worth 60 baht so about $2.00can/kg. Rubber is high right now so the Thai’s are happy because not so long ago the value of rubber was 17 baht/kg very low = $.70cents/kg.
I am amazed at how simple this process is and what nature is still providing the world…

I went and watched Trent & Easton at the boxing gym with their trainer Tou Chi. Tou Chi is a 39 yr. old ex Thai Boxing Champion and is so small compared to Trent. He is a really great guy, is wonderful with Easton and allowed Emma and Easton to fool around in the other ring for a while.







107Trent really impressed me by his high kicks for a big guy. I think me might be a challenge for me after a month or so..haha..( at the lake I kicked is butt royally in the summer) What a work out also the sweat was pouring off Trent… My Boys the CHAMPS!!






109idont know if I mentioned it but I was walking with the kids and we saw a snake on the road practically beside us, no more than a meter away. OH MY GOODNESS, I was pretty freaked out and the snake went off into our distant neighbors bushes… that is two for two now, last year we had a rattle snake at our front door..

Trent insisted we go see this snake show on the island, I was not so keen as I hate snakes. It was unbelievable what this guy did with snakes. He brought in cobras, a king cobra, and jumping snakes and a python. Again we are in Thailand so no barriers to help keep people seperated.


110Trent is fasinated by these freaky creatures. They asked him if he wanted to feel the strength of a python, they told me to sit beside Trent (NO WAY) They wrapped this 12foot long snake around Trent’s legs and told him to try to seperate his legs. He could not describe how powerful this snake was. When Trent tried to move his legs the snake contracted, it would easily break bones and crush you, especially a child.

I asked the handler why the snake has such a big wound on its skin, they said the snake tried to swing back to bit the handler not so long ago and bit itself instead ( How lovely)


112Easton wanted to hold a snake I can’t believe he stood there with a snake around his shoulders, and the python ( this one about 8feet) was starting to slide off his shoulders ( creepy) Trent said it was not a biting python I have not heard of those ones..

Trent has passed on this adventure for snakes to the boys. Emma my girl has turned sensible and stayed on the side lines with me most of the time. Yes I admit I am a chicken when it comes to snakes… What did we learn from the snake show, we learnt that there are cobra snakes everywhere here and that is why at resorts they have hired staff to watch for them to chop them up. It is quite possible the kids & I saw a cobra snake. Now I am on HIGH alert all the time, but the handler told me if I do see a cobra just “stand still and it wont move either”, I said “then how would I get help”, everyone just smiled…

It is Christmas Eve here and we are off to the beach. Merry Christmas everyone, I am sure you will all have a wonderful one. My family I miss and love you sooooooo much and remember celebrate Gramma that is what she would want us to do. Hugs and kissses all around!!!! especially Ken for me…

Auntie Penny, Uncle Ted, Auntie Pat, Uncle Gary, Uncle Don, Michele and all my wonderful cousins (be good) and hugs to you all
Mom Merry Christmas..xoxoxoxoxox
Bon, Troy and my munckin Harlow… hugs to my bug please
Gramma & Grampa, Auntie Carol & family, Merry Christmas in Calgary
Uncle Ian I hope you make it home for xmas and hi to Tammy and the girls.
Mr. & Mrs. Schmuland, Rob Marilene and kids Merry Christmas in Okotoks

All our wonderful friends we have, a merry christmas to you guys, you mean the world to us. We are extremly blessed to have such wonderful family and friends who we love so much. We appreciate you and hugs to you kids from our kids…

Love Jody, Trent, Emma, Easton, Everett xoxoxoxoxoxo

All my love to my family and I miss you very much wish I was with you right now but give eachother hugs for me please. I am thinking of you all! Mom give ken an extra squeeze for me and someone one give my mom one for me and extra long one, I miss you Mom.
Merry Christmas to our friends may this Christmas be a great one for you.

Until next time, MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!



  • Reply
    December 25, 2005 at 4:00 am

    Merry Christmas Jody, Trent, Emma, Easton and Everitt!!!

    We are all here at Auntie Pennys’ for Xmas Eve. Somehow it just isn’t the same without Gramma and you guys and Bonnie and her crew! We miss you all very much…but the Eggnog is going down easy and the food was nummy as usual and there is a party happening downstairs and the floor is vibrating from the tunes. (George and friends). Love you, Michele
    Penny says: I miss you all very very very very much. It sure would be nice for you to be here. Tell Trent the eggnog is waiting for him (they’ve had a couple)!
    Lori says: She would like a football player to drink with.
    Kelly says: Hello to you all and Merry Christmas and he hopes Easton is having a blast!
    Gary just left to make his yams for dinner tomorrow.
    Nicole says: She misses the kids and she is now waiting for the computer so she can play Sims (can’t drink yet so……)
    Jenna says: Merry Christmas and we miss you guys and its no fun without you all! (It is quiet).
    George says: HO HO HO
    Jill says: She’ll give Easton a good match when you get home. She just learned how to fight!
    Pat says: We miss you guys…Happy Boxing Day (your Christmas must be over now).
    Donny says: YO YO YO
    Ted says: Did you look up the rat pack. Who is the fourth guy…Sinatra, Sammy Davis jr., Dean Martin and ????
    Jack says: Merry Christmas and have a Happy New Year!
    Donald says: Can’t find him…
    Ken says: Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year for ever and ever. Give each of the kids a little kiss and hug. For ever and ever Amen from Ken and Gramma.
    Donald is back and says: Hello and Merry Christmas and hope you guys are enjoying yourselves. We miss you and wish you were here…maybe next year!
    Mom says: She misses you and loves you very very much. She got her hug. Thank you. Hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and love you all.
    Don says: How are the kids? Harlow finally likes me! She is real cute and he is glad she here to help everyone through the difficult time with Gramma.
    Dawna says: We love you and miss you all.
    Dons back and says: Isn’t it amazing that we can email you like this across the big blue ocean. We couldn’t have done this 10 years ago.
    We just realizied you are going to be 30 this year Jody!! Oh dear!!
    Here it comes again!!! We love you and miss you.

    Bye for now!!

  • Reply
    December 24, 2005 at 9:56 pm

    Merry Christmas Schmu, Jody, Emma, Easton, & Everett,

    Christmas Eve already. We are going to Bark and Sal’s tonight to have dinner with them, her parents, possibly her brother and his girlfriend, & her grandparents who are here from England for the holidays and hopefully to see their great-grandchild come. It should be fun. Tomorrow we go to my parents’. Thomas’ first Christmas and everything under the tree has his name onit!!!
    That was a great blog! I was at the computer and yelled at Har that you guys were riding elephants and his comment was “I’d like to see the elephant that Trent is on…poor elephant”. So, there you go, typical comment from Har. Ha, ha! He’d need the same elephant! The snakes on the other hand left me a little squimish and I was only looking at pictures.
    I hope the sun comes out for you soon and you can spend more time at the beach.

    Well, hope your Christmas is merry and bright. We’re thinking of you all.
    Merry Christmas to you, Dawna & Bonnie, as well.

  • Reply
    Tom and Tracy
    December 24, 2005 at 6:55 pm

    Hello from Canada on Christmas Eve.

    I’ve been caught up in Christmas Season these last few days and I’ve been a little tardy in writing you back, so here’s a quick letter as we dash to get ready for the big day tomorrow.

    Everybody is very excited about Christmas coming. The kids are bouncing off the walls, and are running around singing Christmas Carols – of course, alot of the words are made up – I don’t remember there being 14 reindeers that include Elmo, Brian, Tiana and Uncle Roy, but it’s alot of fun (I’m pretty sure they get that from Tracy’s side of the family).

    This afternoon, we’re off to Nanton, Alberta. The thriving metropolis one hour south of Calgary. Why Nanton you ask (as I ask myself)? Well, Tracy’s parents moved there from Calgary 2-3 years ago and we’ll be spending “Christmas in Nanton” (Sounds like a Rita McNeil Special). It’s going to be great though, lots of turkey, stuffing, roast potatoes, carrots, apple pie, ice cream, candy canes, mmmmmmmmmm. Am I making your mouth water yet?

    We were at a Christmas Party last night and there were quite the selection of characters there. A finer cross-section of nut jobs and loonies I’ve yet to see. No doubt, a few lampshades were worn as the evening drew to a close.

    So, here is a little Christmas Cheer in celebration of those differences that make us all unique, after all, crazy people make the world go around….

    Christmas Carols for those with Personality Disorders

    1. Schizophrenia — Do You Hear What I Hear?

    2. Multiple Personality Disorder — We Three Kings Disoriented Are

    3. Dementia — I Think I’ll be Home for Christmas

    4. Narcissistic — Hark the Herald Angels Sing About Me

    5. Manic — Deck the Halls and Walls and House and Lawn and Streets and Stores and Office and Town and Cars and Busses and Trucks and Trees and…….

    6. Paranoid — Santa Claus is Coming to Town to Get Me

    7. Borderline Personality Disorder — Thoughts of Roasting on an Open Fire

    8. Personality Disorder — You Better Watch Out, I’m Gonna Cry, I’m gonna Pout, Maybe I’ll Tell You Why

    9. Attention Deficit Disorder — Silent night, Holy oooh look at the froggy, can I have a chocolate, why is France so far away?

    10. Obsessive Compulsive Disorder –Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells.

    I’m not sure which of the above songs Trent would enjoy singing the most, but I’ll let him have the first choice, after all, it is Christmas.

    Well, Tracy just shouted downstairs, and I’ve got to get ready, somehow the entire family always manages to get completely dressed before I even notice what’s happening. I really hope you have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

    Take Care,

    Tom, Tracy, Teagan and Leah.

  • Reply
    December 24, 2005 at 5:41 am

    OH MY GOD,OH MY GOD,OH MY GOD.I cannot believe all your adventures.TRENT the snake ,Easton the snake oh I just cannot imagine.But it must all b ok cause you all have big smiles on your faces..Jody that picture of you and Emma I definetly want that one blown up its beautiful.Im saving the calendars for Christmas morning honey I wont forget to give them out ,Yes I got uncle Gary one done up.I cried today when I had it done looking at the pictures of Grama its a beautiful calendar once again…Ken was having a rough day today.But I talked to him later and he was doing better…Merry Christmas to you all …Love Mom

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