Merry Merry Christmas!!!

Merry Christmas to all!! Any big plans for New Years? The Thai’s celebrate New Years here so I am not to sure what we are up to just yet for New Years, I might possibly have a babysitter so we will see.

Trent & I finally went on a date night last night; we had a girl from the states here visiting her parents so we nabbed her for a night. It was so wonderful not to have to dine & dash like we usually do. We went to this restaurant called “Prompthep Cape” and it overlooked the Kata bay, amazing setting. We missed the sunset but it would be breathtaking up there.

There was a table cross from us and it is amazing how we have so much information about the world and people still are ignorant to information. This woman from Ireland was shooting off her mouth to the other patrons at her table that next to France Canada is an all French speaking country. I was waiting to hear her say we also drove dog sleighs. I would have corrected her however by the number of whisky bottles on the table I don’t think she would have remembered our conversation. She was a woman who knows the world and was even giving lessons on how to speak Thai and she is here on a week’s vacation.

That is not the first time we have heard that in Canada we all speak french. I met a family from Italy and when I said we were from Canada they immediately said “Oh you speak French” I corrected him by saying only some of the country does us red necks in the west don’t. I told Freddy (the Italian) tell all your friends to tell all there friends that Canada is not a French speaking country and maybe the word will spread.. lol…
2We had a great Christmas. Emma was up bright and early and found the gifts from Santa. Emma and Easton had to wait about an hour for Everett to wake up ( we love practicing patience) The kids had a great time, it is nice to have a few new toys around here as we only brought from home; one Barbie for Emma, and a few dinky trucks for the boys (mean parents I know)




(I made sure everyone was dressed this christmas morning picture..haha last year the kids and most of Trent we not clothed)

Toys were quite cheap here. I went shopping and I had three huge bags full and it cost me I would say half of what I would of paid back home. I found Emma these shoes and they are so cute, I found ones like them at home at Browns and the price tag was $90.00 here just as cute $12.00. Quality is better at home but she won’t be wearing them forever. The cutest dress like the one Gramma Galbraith gave here years ago the pink one with the stretch material up top, found


one here for $9.00 and it is so cute on Em.











Mr. & Mrs. Simpson and Mr. Day I bought Trent and electronic Texas Hold’em game for Christmas so we can practice our skills, any games been going on lately?

(Mom, here is the puppy & book for the kids)

5 Christmas afternoon we went out for lunch and the food was not so great. We went to an English pub and it was not what we were hoping for. For supper however we went to a place called Jimmy’s light house and the couple who own it is from Calgary. The turkey dinner was excellent just like being at Gramma’s, so that brightened up our Christmas. We went back the next day for turkey sandwiches. The Lighthouse restaurant is right at the pier so we watch all the sail boats and it’s neat for the kids.






I went for a Thai Massage the other day and I still don’t know what I thought of it. The only way to describe it is a massage, slapping of your skin, woman standing on you, joints being pulled, a chiropractic session and finally a few good thumps on the head for good luck. I had no idea what to expect so I could not relax fully next time I know so I might be able to enjoy it. The woman starts massaging and the next thing I know she is using her foot to dig into my muscles, it did not hurt I was just surprised. At the end of the 60min massage you do a few stretches with her and then she twists your back to crack it (that felt great since I am in need of an adjustment) It was an experience that I look forward to trying again.

Emma and Trent went to the dentist yesterday. For x-rays, checkup and cleaning $30can. Trent said it was very clean and nicer than our offices back home. The dental clinic is in the hospital, I go next week so I will be able to give you a better indication of what it is like.

The weather has been amazing I hope that the rainy season is now past us. We have been going to the pool more often since we met a family who is originally from Germany but has lived in Hong Kong for the last 10yrs. They have three girls’ ages 9-6 & 9months. Emma and her six yr old Aleigha are so happy to have each other. We were talking about food and since her girls were raised in Hong Kong the crazy things they eat ( ox tongue and other things we are not so accustomed to ) The girls think peanut butter is so gross and sandwiches are not very good, they can not go without rice at every meal practically.

Everett is a lot easier at the pool now, we found water wings that are a lot better and off he goes, he loves putting his head under water to float like Emma & Easton, he is growing up really fast trying to keep up to the other kids. We have no baby,baby left..
I have been asked about our car, it is a little Honda. I truly miss my truck as I LOVE my truck. We are definitely cozy in here. When Trent picked up the car the first day we rented it, the guy laughed as Trent got in it; it’s like being back in Germany again. (small cars) ….. Jim Drew would have a heart attack, our kids ride in the hatch of our car, no seat belts.. (I will take a picture of the car for next time)

We have been taking this a little bit slow this past week with Christmas and all the tourist out and about which creates lots of traffic and not alot of beach chairs left when we get there.

On the 26th was the anniversary of the Tsunami and we drove by Patong beach one of the hardest hit beach. There were a lot of people there and ceremonies going on. The stories we have heard are very sad, a lot of people came back this year to make peace with what happened. Patong beach is huge and we drove high up to over look the beach and for this amount of water to surge in at this particular beach I can not imagine.

No matter where Trent goes the cops seem to find him. He got stuck in the a check stop and he got a ticket for no seatbelt, he had Emma with him(she was not happy) He had to get out of the car and stand in line to pay his ticket right on the spot. He said it was comical how many people were in line and how many Thai’s it took to file, take payment and stamp your ticket.. He still does not wear his seatbelt because the offense is only worth $9.00. No amount of money makes him wear it because at home he does not..

8We were at the beach yesterday late afternoon because it was sooo hot here. We went at 3:00pm and I was still worried about the boys and their skin. Everett would kick us away and just swim around on his own, he loves it.. You not believe how comfortable he is , he rides the waves, drinks the salt water and he is fine… Easton got caught in a few waves on his boogie board but is on his way to being a pro.. Emma says, “lets go surf” – Em is waiting for the perfect wave!

At the beach it is so great having fresh fruit. The kids devour watermelon and pinapple. I hope to learn how they cut of the pinapple, its a great way to eat it..




I am so thankful for this time with the kids. We are watching Everett become a little boy before our eyes with no distractions. Easton is such a young man, he is communicating so well and has really benefited from all our one on one time. Emma, well my girl is such a little lady & is really understanding the word patience with her brothers and is doing great with them. They are really working well together and Emma does not like to go anywhere without Easton, its really nice to see. We have an amazing family and our kids amaze me each and everyday. I also want to say to my husband as much as I give him a hard time (haha) he 11is a wonderful man and an unbelieveable dad.. I want to thank him for trusting in my choice to come to Thailand and trusting that everything would be OK. He has created an AMAZING life for us and for that I am extremely grateful!!

Happy New Years to everyone!!!

All our love and miss you, I can’t believe we are heading to 2006 and before we know it we will be on our way home…

Love getting your emails keep them coming…

All my love to my family, I miss you!!



  • Reply
    December 31, 2005 at 6:24 pm

    Hello Schmulands,
    We wanted to wish you a Happy New Year! It may be 2006 for you as I am typing this!?! I wanted you to know that I am enjoying your blogg so very much, I am excited to see your email informing us of an update. Jode you are describing your trip and adventures so well that we feel we are there with you and the photos just enhance the text. I hope you don’t mind but I have been enjoying the blog so much that I had to share it with some of my friends. My playgroup moms and best friend are following along on your adventures also and when we get together the Schmulands are like our mini book club topic!!
    I am glad to hear you had a good Christmas and the kids look like they are doing great. Jax got a large map of the world floor puzzle mat (4’x6′) and when we put it together on Christmas day he asked us where everyone lived, we showed him and then he asked where Easton and Emma were visiting and we showed him. When his grandparents came over that day, he showed them the map & he showed them where we lived and flew his toy airplane over the map to Thailand and explained to them that Easton and Emma where there for a while. It is amazing what information they hold on to! We had a very quite Christmas. Collin worked himself to death the two weeks prior to Christmas but has been off this week. He and Jax caught a cold with a cough so hanging out in p.j.’s and playing with Christmas toys has been the order for the majority of the week. We and went to Zoolights last night with Hayley & Zach along with half of Calgary. The weather here is amazing but not very festive, there is no longer any snow to tobboggan (spelling?) on and we spent the Christmas Eve day at the school park with just our sweatshirt hoodies on! No complaints really and I am sure your surroundings feel very weird for Christmas also but we would take surfing over tobbagganing any day! We are off to the Baker’s for a New Year’s fondue party and we will raise a drink in your honor – rum & sprite of course!
    Enjoy & savor every moment you have of this amazing time in your life!
    We want you to know that we are thinking of you often and that we pray for your safety and health. We were so very sorry to hear of the lose of your grandmother and we hope your hearts are mending daily. Take care of each other and we will be sure to chat soon.
    With all our love, Jennifer, Collin & Jax Newman

  • Reply
    Tom and Tracy
    December 31, 2005 at 4:58 am

    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

    Christmas Update:
    We had a great Christmas in Nanton, it was soooo relaxing, well, until 6:30am on Christmas morning when the girls woke up and wanted to start opening their presents from Santa.

    I tried to slow them down till at least 7:00-7:30am, with the only excuse I had for extra sleep…, and that was, that the grandparents were still sleeping. Wouldn’t you know it though, as soon as I said that, the girl’s Grandad and Grandma were shouting downstairs saying they were up….zzzzzz.

    So, at 6:40am on Christmas morning, with the kettle on for tea, we started enjoying our Christmas. It was alot of fun and once we were up, nobody looked tired and we had a great day.

    My big gift was a digital camera. I’m very excited and have taken tons of photos. I think Tracy’s parents were thinking that the camera wasn’t such a good idea, as I was in front of them the whole day saying “Show me happy, now show me angry, now pout, now show me happy again, hold on, I didn’t have the camera on, let’s try that again.” I was trying to figure out how I could post photos for you to see, but I wasn’t able to see how to put photos up for you. If you know how, please let me know.

    Polar Express Update:
    Did I mention that we went to see the Polar Express? It was fannnnntastic. One of the best Christmas movies I think I’ve seen. Totally heart warming and made you really feel the Christmas Spirit, well, that and the juice I spilled on myself earlier. Tracy thought I was “crying” during the movie, but really, it was just my allergies, I think I’m allergic to something in the movie theatres. Anyways, if you haven’t seen it. Go see it, it’s great.

    Christmas Week Update:
    The rest of the week until now, we’ve been doing little daily activities, like swimming, skating, and yesterday, we went to the Telus Science Center. Wow. Tracy and I had just as much fun as the kids. Racing Lego cars, catching tornados, climbing walls and all sorts, it was definately worth the $50,000 entrance fee ($45).

    New Years Eve Update:
    For New Years Eve, we’re off to a party with a bunch of girls and their spouses/families from Tracy’s ringette team. Their great fun and alot of them have kids the same age as ours, so it should be a very family friendly New Years Eve.

    Canadian Tire Update:
    I’ll be able to mention to “the guys” tomorrow night that I bought my first cordless drill at Canadian Tire. It was regularly $99 on sale for $29. What a deal. So naturally, having some unexplained obsession with tools, I bought one. Tracy on the other hand, is not so thrilled. Only because, having been married to me for 8 years (lucky girl), she’s seen my home renovation skills in action and has probably forseen walls and counter tops with unexplained holes in them and rows upon rows of crooked shelves in the not so distant future. All of which is probably true. Still…. $29! Can you believe it? (Nerd).

    Tanner Update:
    What I can’t believe is that for the entire Christmas week that I’ve been off, my dog Tanner has yet to wipe his behind all over my pillow (see posting from December 15). I can’t explain it – perhaps it’s some diabolical plan of his to catch me off guard, but if he thinks that I’m not capable of having a battle of wits with a dog, he’s got another thing coming. Maybe.

    My Beautiful Family Update:
    Tracy, Teagan and Leah are doing great and are having alot of fun this Christmas. Teagan enjoyed seeing the photo of Emma with her My Little Pony gift that she received at Christmas and was away playing with her ponies after supper this evening. Leah was playing as well, but being the younger sister, she was given the job of being the naughty ponies that needed a good thumping. Tracy is still the love of my life (yes, she’s looking over my shoulder right now as I type this) and says to say “Hello”.

    I must say again, what a great job you are doing with your blogs and especially the photos, you all look like you’re having such great fun. I couldn’t believe that you found Santa in Phuket and I laughed when I saw the photo of your “Charlie Brown” Christmas Tree. How Canadian.

    Your three little swimmmers look like they’ll be ready for the 2018 Olympics. How deep is the water out there? Have you been snorkling and see alot of fishes? Is the water warm?

    So, what happens to Trent when he gets pulled over and he doesn’t have any money with him? Does he have to spend the night in a Thai Jail? Does he then end up spooning with some of Thailand’s undesirables? Perhaps sharing a cot for the night, might just be the cure for him? I mean Trent… not the other guy.

    I suppose though, if you were sleeping off a few beers, from a guy’s perspective, cuddling with Trent on a cot in a Thai Jail, just might be the wake up call you’d need in order to get your life back on track. Hopefully … we’ll never know.

    So, from that, I think it’s safe to say, “Trent, from all of those who’ve met you and all of those still in Thai Jails that haven’t had the pleasure, wear your seatbelt dammit. If not for you, then at least do it for Little Bob, in Cell Block “C”, I’m sure he’ll thank you in the morning”.

    Well, that’s about it, I’m signing off. I’m away to take our dogs for a walk then hit the hay, if I don’t get my 15 hours sleep a night, I’m completely grumpy.

    Take Care and have fun

    Tom and Tracy.

  • Reply
    December 30, 2005 at 10:42 pm

    hi guys. im so glad you had a good christmas. ours was great and uneventful. a full house and lots of food. it was wierd not being in edmonton, i missed everyone very much. new years eve is tomorrow. we are having a big seafood dinner. im so excited. our house is coming along. the kitchen is almost done, then after that its smooth sailing. we kind of have an eerie vibe there though. i was in the basement alone doing laundry, and you know when you jump if someone sneaks up on you, well i jumped because someone was in the doorway, thought it was troy. but no, it wasnt, he was upstairs working on the kitchen. so i got big time chills nobody was there. then i came back to troys parents early and he called me after dark. i didnt tell him how i got scared in the basement. but he said to me ” this place is kinda giving me the creeps, i keep hearing voices and stuff” and all i could think was i wish he never told me that, because now im convinced our house is haunted. thats probably why they left half there stuff and moved so fast. creepy. maybe we will have to sell it. the average house in calgary in september was $253,000 and an article in the paper the other day said with such a shortage of supplies and all that they project the average will go up to $283,000 in early 2006. so it is tempting to sell.who knows. but anyways, harlow is doing great shes standing abit on her own. shes so busy now. always happy. she says mom, dad, bray, wussat? and hi. she misses her little friends. i wish you were here for her birthday. and brayden is doing good. he was an angel for us over christmas. and he keeps asking to play with emma and easton. i mean asks all the time. so he really misses you guys. thatnk you for all the wonderful gifts. you would just laugh at harlow in her chair. she just gets the proudest look on her face when she sits in it. troy bought me a video camera for christmas so you can watch all the cute little things when you get back. well i love and miss you very much. have a great new year. love you bon

  • Reply
    December 30, 2005 at 4:27 pm

    Happy New Year to you all.Im glad you made it through Christmas ok ,I was worried about you .The kids look like they are enjoying them selves so much Im so happy for that .Did you go in the water on the 26th?If so did you see any ghosts…The Thais say if you went in the water on the anniversary of the Tsunami the ghosts would come out…Is Everret talking yet?If so what is he saying???I wont ask if the kids miss me,BECAUSE IM SURE THEY DO(hehe)Weather is beautiful here, it has been great..Im sure when you get home in March there will be snow ..Trent cant get off that easy …Right Trent?Trent wear your seatbelt!!! This is your Munster-in-law speaking.So you better listen to me (HAHA)Trent never listens to me but I can try right….Im sure I have everybody and thier dog addicted to your Blog as I tell everyone to get on and read it..Everyone enjoys it so much..Pat could you print this off and take it to my Dad for Jody, Im sure he will enjoy reading them ..Oh yes Jody I forgot Grama had written you some little letters before she passed and I was going to email them to you but decided I will wait until you come home and give them to you so you can have them as some of them are hard to read ..Is that ok with you ? Let me know what you would like me to do. We are off to Cuba on Monday after noon until the 17th so I will be thinking of you all.I will try to see if they have internet there, not sure if they do or not.Well all my love to you all ,I miss you all sooooo much..Give the kids 100 kisses and 100 hugs for me please.You have a wonderful New Year and enjoy yourselves to the fullest I miss each and everyone of you each and everyday .Be Safe and Trent again PLEASE WEAR YOUR SEATBELT………Love Mom
    Thank you Ginger and Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you Harry and sweet little baby Thomas .

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