Living life like a Thai…nice and slow

1Long time no blog…
We have adjusted so well to the Thai life we are now moving a little slower. I realized time is flying after I started receiving emails asking where our update was..haha..

I did not realize so much time has lapsed as we are now living a regular life here. The kids go to school three mornings a week and those days we pick them up at noon and head to a beach. Everett sleeps two hours each morning and we head to the pool every other day. I don’t really want to write and say how hot and beautiful it is here all the time 🙂

The other day we went to Surin Beach Resort for a change of scenery with a girlfriend of mine and her kids. It was wonderful as the resort had two waterslides that the kids must of went down over 100 times. Everett escaped from Trent and came flying down head first. Ev wanted to do it over and over… we have to keep a close eye on our little dare devil..


Emma has a friend Aleigha the same age as her only days apart and she has a 9yr. old sister, it is really nice for Em. Easton of course is the little boy chasing the girls since he has no little buddies here his age yet, only girls. I have always said Easton will make a wonderful husband being surrounded by girls all the time..
Since we arrived Em asked to have her hair braided and we were out one night and she sat in the chair for over an hour. Three woman worked on her hair and she was so patient and loved to watch the progress in the mirror. The woman all flocked to touch her soft cheeks and her light skin. Now when we go somewhere with Emma we scream tourist 🙂



After we left the salon Easton aquried a new pet iguana(for a minute) I am not a fan of any creatures that are bright green but this guy was quite cute. Everett was playing with it like it was a stuffed toy.






Trent and I took the kids to Race speed way so we could race some cars. They have a double car which it was so funny to see Trent try to fit into. He was Chris Farley “Big man in a little man’s car & he squeezed his head into a little man’s helmet… love you honey.


These cars fly! You sit in the car, they pass you a helmet and tell you this is your brake and this is your gas.. bye bye off you go. Easton went with Trent and Emma came with me, we had to switch so one of us was with Everett who was so patient to watch us go around and around in circles. These cars go about 70km/hour! You fly around the corners.. when Trent came in I asked him if he was concerned as he was ripping up the track… if Easton was going to fly out? These cars had no seatbelts and Easton was hanging on for dear life (Thailand, why would they think of seatbelts)



Emma and I went and all I could hear was her laughing. Our kids love speed, it’s in their blood, here’s hoping they drive like me 🙂

There is another race track here more for crazy locals and these cars go 120km/hour, Trent and I are going to go race eachother there.. I will keep you posted on how I leave him in my dust… NO kids of course.

Trent drove with me in our car the other day and told me I drove very well (that’s a first for him) He told me he was a little concerned though because I was not driving my super aggressive style, I was taking it easy here. If you saw what we saw on a daily basis you would be extremely cautious… I worry about one of the 40 people who are riding in the back of a pick up falling out and me running them over.

What would our trips be if we did not make a visit to the hospital? Dr. de Sanctis Everett has developed a fungal infection on his privates but we have it under control… I was at the beautiful hospital today and it was so nice to be in and out in less than one hour. Like I have said before they escort you from your car to the entrance in a golf cart.. five star treatment.. then when I walked in hospital there was staff there to ask me questions. I told them the problem and they said we will go see the Pediatric doctor first and then possibly the skin specialist if needed. We waited a few minutes for paper work and played in the fancy kid’s area and were then called. When I opened Everett’s pamper the doctor and nurses said “OH MY” it is not a pretty sight. As I talked with the doctor the nurse took Everett and played with him so I could concentrate on what the doctor was saying, great system(normal procedure) …I was given medication, paid my $20.00 and off we went.

Everett also fell the other day and could have had a few stitches behind his ear but its fine now. There is a lady here and she is always at the pool, she is expecting her first child in a month. I tell her everyday as she is following Everett around everywhere “He’s a boy, boys are boys” I can say that now since Easton has worn me down quite a bit with his trips to the hospital.


On Sunday we went to this great little place called “Friendship beach” the kids went out and found so many seashells on the ocean floor. In the picture you can see the boats sitting on the sand, by the end of the day the tide will come in and the boats will be afloat again. Trent and Everett found a crab with in some coral.


We went back to the resort and played in the pool for hours. There was a band playing and the atmosphere was breathtaking. Alex (my German friend here) laid back and said “don’t we have a hard life” I wish you were here to see what we see! We were having such a great time I did not take as many pictures as I would of liked, next time.





Easton has been asking since we came here if we could go to Dino Park, a place in Kata to play mini golf and see all the dinosaurs 15(he loves dinosaurs) Melody stayed home with Ev and we took Emma and Easton.

It was a great night; the golf course was great, alot better than Scandia in Kelowna, it has tunnels, lava, and great dinos everywhere, pretty neat. We stayed for supper and beside our table was a pond with turtles and catfish. Trent and the kids had a great time feeding the water creatures some of their supper.







17 The kids love their school and have adopted some puppies. The house behind the school had a litter of puppies and they come to the school and take the shoes all the time. Em and East love playing with the dogs. They sure miss Monty though, they say they want to stay here but Monty has to get on the airplane and come here. Last year they did not mention him at all, this year he is all they talk about. Here’s hoping Monty holds on a for a while longer, he is pushing 10ys and we hope he does not have a heart attack from being so overweight. Every time we come home his is nice and plump thanks to all the love Dale gives him (dale is our wonderful neighbor who is so good to us and cares for Monty)

Here in Thailand in January they celebrate children. Last week there were festivities going on everywhere. At our club house they had a kids day and it was alot of fun. Again I thought this was crazy!!! They had a game of “throw a dart at balloons” for the kids. The balloons were more or less in the open around people and if one missed the board who knows what could happen. All the thai kids were playing but I would not let Easton even though he kept begging. These were real, metal, sharp darts… Needless to say I made East stay clear but Emma twisted her daddy’s arm (nothing new) and she popped a few balloons and won a prize!


I am sure I have mentioned that Emma is taking dance class ballet/jazz. She likes the jazz part best, she is great at shaking her booty to the music. Kathy, her dance teacher is tough on the girls, expects the best and they are doing great.


Emma loves to have her picture taken so I have alot of great shots of her. Easton it depends on the day if he wants to be in front of it but loves to be behind the camera and take pictures, he asks all the time. Everett has mastered his CHEEZE when he will sit for more than 1second.

Everett is growing up so fast, he reminds me more and more of Easton by his expressions and looks at times. Ev won’t let anything get past him and is uderstanding so well. He is saying more and more words everyday. He is a really fun kid and we have such a great time with him, his personality is beginning to show more and more. He likes to tease and if I don’t give him what he wants to goes to Emma whom he calls MA and tells her. I can’t stop kissing his cheeks they are so soft and chubby. The Thai people love touching his cheeks. Ev always has a smile that truely lights up the room, he is a little charmer (like his daddy)


Easton my man is such a little man. He is so inquisitive for his age, this reminds me so much of my dad. Easton stayed with Jesse the other night and Jesse said he could not believe the questions Easton was asking. I love to just sit and watch him to see how he takes in the world. I love him so much. Out of the blue he will come and hug me and say “love you mom” my heart melts!

22 Emma my love is growing up. Em is wonderful with the boys and is becoming a little lady with a bit of a strong willed streak (thats my girl!) Em is flying through all her workbooks for school and is absorbing all the info from her surroundings. Emma loves hugs and has such a sweet heart. I get a kick out of watching her with the boys, she is one smart girl who seems to always come out on top while making East think he has the best… Sure glad to have another female with me as these boys can be crazy at times 🙂


We truely have amazing kids and I love them soooooo much…
I have been asked many times about shopping. I know it’s hard to believe but I have not been out yet. It is still high season and in a few weeks we will go. Dow is going to take me so we don’t get ripped off and can buy lots.. I hope..

However we have been shopping for DVD’s. Jesse said to me they bought “Two for the Money” I said how… We are in Asia the capital for the underground. Jesse took us to a taylor shop said a few words in thai and we were led through one door and then through another at the back of the shop. It was secret DVD store back there. We bought 25 movies like North Country, Memores of a Geisha, Good night… Good luck and so many more. $3.00/movie and perfect quality. Trent went back last night for a few music CD’s also. We have entered the underground world… For all who don’t know we love going to movies so I have been going though withdrawl knowing I have missed some great movies since we have been gone.

Trent and Jesse went out and chartered a fishing boat on wed. for the whole day. Trent caught a “whahoo” fish and it was about 25lbs. I was relieved that he at least caught something because he has been chasing this salt water fish since our trip with my parents to Hawaii in 1999 and the BIG one keeps teasing him. Trent was happy but not estatic about his catch, but it is better than the little tuna Jesse caught..


We dropped the fish of at Life’s resturant for them to cook for a feast the fish was delicious… A Thai prepared the fish in two dishes, one dish was cooked in the oven with many flavourful spices and the other dish was deep fried. We also had a very spicy chicken soup to go along with it… Don’t forget the rice… The fish was great. Trent has informed me he is going to go fishing again but has modified his plan to catch this fish. All I know is that if he does not catch this BIG fish soon we both may go crazy!

I think Tom asked about our underwater pictures, Yes I have a special underwater case for my camera that I love. My camera is protected from sand and water when we are at the beach or pool and I don’t have to worry.

Tom I have to say you are building groupies, my aunt has now said you should be a writer for the paper, you could write a book and you would already have 50 and change copies sold!

CULTURAL update: I try to put something new about the Thai culture in each blog and this weeks is:
Did you know that in Thailand it is the year 2549. The Thai’s follow this calendar since the beginning of Buddha.. Our house bills come in and they are dated Jan 15, 2549. It’s very interesting!

Here in Thailand there is a fictional character called a Yack, it is a large animal and is quite scary. The Thai’s call Trent a yack. Dow (jesse’s wife) always says, “if we need something call the Yack” we hear thai’s talking in their native tongue and then you here “yack” interjected within the conversation and of course the word falong always (falong- white person)

To Trent’s family we send our thoughts to you as Trent’s gramma, Elizabeth Leib passed away peacefully a few days ago. I had met Trent’s gramma a few times and she was so warm and welcoming. Mrs. Leib was in her 90’s.

Trent and I heading off the island next week for a few days, I am really excited.
Thanks again for your emails and blogs we love reading them. I wake up each morning and ask Trent “anyone email?” since I can’t walk in the door and ask “did any one phone?”
Bon give your belly a rub for me and Harlow a hundred kisses…. Miss and love you!!

All our love xoxoxo



  • Reply
    January 23, 2006 at 6:31 pm

    Hi All,

    I was starting to wonder when the next blog was going to come. Glad you did another one.
    Emma, your hair looks great. Wow, that is a long time to sit to get it done. Way to go! Your picture at dance class is really nice. The cutest ballerina there. We miss you!
    You are all so lucky to have this time together as a family. It is something not many people will ever get to do because of jobs, money, or time. It is so wonderful to see that you are happy and looks like making the most of it. Not only that yes, you do get to avoid crappy weather.
    We hope Everett is okay. Even though you have said the hospital is beautiful I hope your visits are few.
    The part about the ‘Yack’ is really funny. Poor Schmu. That is something that could really follow you especially if your wife puts it on a blog for all your friends and family to read. 🙂
    Today we go and vote. It is election day.
    Easton, I think you should ask you mom if you can have an iguana as a pet when you come home. That would be really cool. 🙂
    Can’t wait for the next one, another good story I’m sure.
    Take care, thinking of you all.

  • Reply
    January 23, 2006 at 3:56 am

    hi guys. we miss you sooo much. it seems like you have been gone forever. awesome blog. sounds like a dreamland there. you can really see how everett is getting bigger. he will seem like a whole new little person when you get home. we are finally moving into our house on thursday. wooohoo!!! just a few more things to do, and life is back to normal!! poor troy has been working so hard. he really needs a break. harlow had her first sleep in her big girl bed. so sweet. i put her room together with her big bed, and on the first try she fell right asleep. but it hasnt worked since. she thinks its fun to slide off the bed. she is getting so big, so fast. she is mimicking everything. she gives the dog heck if i do. still not walking tho. she has no desire. oh well. pregnancy is going good. this is an easy one. hardest part is keeping up to harlow with my big fat belly. give all the kids big hugs and kisses. miss you lots. more blogs and pictures please. love you, bon

  • Reply
    January 21, 2006 at 3:01 am

    Oh my.. you guys will never ever want to come home.It all sounds so great there.Emma May your hair looks beautiful mama just loves it .Easton what did you name your little friend the iguana?Jody let us all know how the car race went .We all know you will leave Trent in the dust.(hehe)Trent nice fish Im happy for you .We all know how you love to fish .Thank goodness you dont get seasick and turn green anymore when you are on a boat (haha like in Hawaii)And Everett my little man I hope you remember your mama when you get home.Is he talking a storm Jody ?Make sure you teach him to say “hi Mama” for when he gets home..Enjoy miss you all be safe …Love Mom

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