Blown away…on our way out

Now again Mom you said let you know after the fact so I can now tell you…

I called a company about rock climbing and they said Trent was over the weight restriction for climbing, it did not matter what they said there was no way he was coming with me Trent said. Melody decided to join me.


Friday morning we were picked up and headed to Kalim Beach. Melody and I were the only ones on this tour and I assured Trent if I felt it was not safe we were out of there. Our guide was named John so that was a good start (my dad’s name). We got our gear on and we walked up into the hills to the unknown…


John, our guide went over some safety and gear tips. The first part of the program was going up 135 meter (448 feet) with 280 steel steps screwed in granite wall ( the longest in Thailand) reaching above 270 meter (886 feet) above sea level. We had our safety clips and we hooked in as we went. Melody was pretty shaky at first and was doubting the sanity of this adventure but I reasurred her it would be worth it and she did great.


This was a great workout. If I had started doing this a couple times a week when we came I would be fit as a fiddle.



After our rest we saw the Monkey Bridge we were going to walk on…. At some points I would say we were about 10 meters (33 feet) high above ground. We walked on the Sling Bridge from tree to tree above the jungle (this is the only kind in Thailand) The bridge was over 180 meters (590 feet) long. We had to basically hug the trees and there were a few spots where you had to stretch your body to clip into the next point and undue one behind you. I was hanging on by my finger tips… I was preparing myself for the feeling of my feet dangling…. but I never slipped… 🙂

The monkey bridge was pretty wild and the view was stunning, you would never have this view unless you went where we were.


To get to the third part of the program we had to walk down a fairly steep hill to get to the waterfall. Walking down made me more nervous than anyother part of the day, you could easily slip and twist something.

We made it to the waterfall and it was time for “canyoning” (i was really excited about this part). Canyoning is rappelling down rock faces, this just happened to be over a waterfall (not to powerful on this day, I could not imagine what it would be like in rainy season). Our lives were basically in the strength of the knot of the rope we were decending down on. We were given a quick briefing on the safety equpiment then Melody went first.

This was a blast but tricky as the rock face was very slick from the water and unless you kept your feet very wide apart and lean back 45 degrees it would be impossible to make it down without few bumps and bruises. This was AWESOME!



Melody says: this was the most terrify and liberating experience I have ever had. Would I go again… In a heartbeat!

The final part of the program was the “fox fly” this is basically a zipline through the jungle. This was the best part…. as I was flying I had to put my legs up to not run into all the foliage… This was OUT OF THIS WORLD. You travel for about 100 meters (330 feet) at a speed of about 80km/hour.


When you come to a stop on the zipline you release your safety knot and repell down… AMAZING again.



This day was exhausting and exhilarating all at the same time… I can not wait to do it again…

Trent and I had a few things left on our list to do before we left this beautiful place. One afternoon we had an hour to spare so we went to the Shooting Range. This is not an ordinary shooting range. You can pick from a wide range of different guns to shoot.

Trent chose a 45 magnum and I was recommended the 38 caliber . It was pretty loud there and a bit unnerving hearing guns go off. Trent was up first. The gentleman showed him how to hold this very powerful gun and Trent took his first shot. It was so loud and I could see how powerful that gun was. Trent held that gun very steady… I was really impressed. We each had 10 bullets each.


I was up next and they suggested I sit in a chair to handle the power of this gun. I was nervous my first shot, I could not believe I was shooting this gun. I took my first shot and it was alot more powerful than I had imagined. I shot a few more bullets and I was having a hard time keeping my hands strong, I was sure I was missing the target over and over.


After my 10 bullets they brought my target sheet in and I was amazed I hit it all 10 times. They figured out my average and it was 62%, I think that is pretty good for a beginner.


Trent’s average was 42% but on his last two bullets he figured out how to handle the 45. I thought it was pretty cool going to the shooting range and being able to shoot guns like we did, I don’t think that would happen at home, maybe you can I just have never came across a place before where you can.

Melody bought the kids some of these water balloons when we were gone and they won’t pop. The kids spend hours in the shower playing and laying on these balloons, it will be hard to come home to our tiny bathroom when we have been spoiled with three huge ones here.



Trent took Easton prawn fishing the other day. Easton was so excited to show me and for me to take a picture of his catch of the day. Here on Phuket you can fish for your dinner. In the middle of the restaurant there is a pool full of prawns, you are supplied with a fishing rode … and fishing you go. Everett was just as excited to see them but I think the local kitty was most pleased as we saw her licking her lips from outside our gate. (the kitty got supper)



I can now say I have experienced Thailand (driving a bike) this morning as I took a bike to the temple to meet my pick up for my Thai cooking class. Trent went deepsea fishing with Casey and his cousin Ryan so he had to take our car. Jennifer (a babysitter) came over to watch the kids for the day so I could still go to my class. I took Jennifer’s bike to the temple and it was an experience for sure.

You will never understand the amount of bikes there are on the road here until you come visit. (we are at a market here)



I took a bike taxi home the other day from the dentist also… you live here long enough it’s hard not to get on a bike at one point or another.

I took a one day Thai cooking class and it was great. Before we went to the cooking school they took us to the local fresh market to buy our ingredients for the dishes we were going to cook. The market was in downtown Phuket Town and it was FRESH.

CHOICES AT THE MARKET: You can pick the fish that was still flipping around, they will prepare it anyway you like, you could stick your hand in the bucket of eels and if that is not your fancy then either pick hopping frogs or freshly skinned ones for your tasty lunch… or take all three.



eels… do I need to say anymore…



The plates on the left are fleshly skinned frogs just waiting for the perfect buyers… not me!



This guys is shredding the inside of coconuts to make coconut cream & coconut milk. He was really funny, he said that he will never leave Thailand so if we take pictures of him at least his face will see the world….



If you have never seen what curry paste looks like… here you go.. all kinds green, red, panang, and spit fire hot 🙂



At the cooking school I learned to cook Tom Yum soup, Green Curry soup, Pad Thai, Chicken & Cashew, Sweet Sticky rice with Mango and Spring Rolls. The setting was beautiful the school was located right on the beach so as we cooked we looked out onto the ocean. I really hope I will be able to pull off at least one of these dishes when we get home since we are going to really really really miss the cheap food we have loved for three months.

Pad Thai, great dish.



Chicken & Cashew Nut with vegetable Spring Rolls. I can’t believe I cooked this and I have to say it was delicious.



Trent, Casey and Ryan went out on the water in the deep seas in search of this BIG fish. They drove almost two hours away to get closer to the Similan Islands which is suppost to be perfect for it underwater beauty and it is suppost to be the SPOT for fish. Sadly I have to report THE fish has elluded Trent AGAIN (feel more sorry for me please, this is year 7 of chasing THE fish) They did however catch 6 tunas.

We are gearing up to head back to North America. Melody has left and we leave on Sunday. Emma does not want to come home and wear a jacket and Easton said we can go to Singapore… then to Canada for three sleeps and then… we are off to Africa ( he has the gypsy spirit in him) He did finally say today that he wants to go to Africa because Auntie has been there(my sister)…. A few more years when Everett can keep up we will go.

On Tuesday morning we had some family pictures taken, there were some good pictures of the kids but a family picture was a bit more difficult, unfortunalty we were unable to get a good one. I need to be behind the camera to get the shot ( i just can’t be infront and behind at the same time)…. but the photographer did try…

I picked my favorites to share with you of my amazing family that I am soooooo thankful for.

I love this picture, Trent and Easton… my men xoxoxox




Em & East are real buddies and over the years traveling they have formed a great bond.




They are so much fun, we love to watch them explore and learn about the world around them.



Angel # 1 – Oh my not so little girl anymore who is growing up. I could not ask for a more amazing little girl. Em’s curosity about the world and quite confidence is wonderful to watch develope. Em is a wonderful sister to the boys, she is very compassionate and caring person. Future prediction – Em loves school and will do the best at whatever she chooses to tackle. She will also keep the boys in line 🙂



Angel #2 – Easton is a special little boy. Easton is very philosophical for a three year old and he keeps us on our toes while he reminds us so much of my dad. He is a stinker in front of the camera, he is a master distorting his face already. A kind, gentle little guy who’s listening ears are super powerful. Future prediction is he will be on a stage somewhere in a band… and teach us new things forever.



Angel # 3 – Ev is such a fun little boy, he is always willing to give kisses and loves to be with the big kids. He is such a happy boy and is developing his personality more and more eachday. Our future prediction is the joker of the family, keeping us all laughing.



My little Crew!!



Let me not forget my big King Kong, Yack, Giant Angel… My wonderful husband who without his patience, understanding, trust, compromise, hardwork, and Yack Status we would not be where we are today. Future prediction the best is yet to come…

Sadly this will be my last blog from Phuket Thailand for now. It has been a pleasure writing about our adventure and I hope that you have taken something from our stories and you have learned some new things along the way.

A HUGE thank you to my mom, sister, Ginger and Tom for keeping up with your blog updates and Tom thank you very much for your recap of our adventure it was GREAT! I love hearing what people have to say and in the future for our kids to look back and read comments will be great for them.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ALL OF YOU WHO HAVE JUST TURNED 40 I am not sure if you want me to disclose names but you know who you are …Simpsons… and Tom. I myself will be hitting a mildstone this year, time is to precious to waste, it is flying by.

I have loved putting up our blogs and I will miss it. However I promise you I will be back when we depart for our next adventure.

I will talk to you from Singapore next week.

Until then. Stay warm 🙂 I know we could not escape winter that easy it will be waiting for us when we get back to Calgary on March 4th.



  • Reply
    Tom and Tracy
    March 2, 2006 at 4:41 am

    Hello Schmus,
    As you’re on your way to sunny Singapore, a Lawyer’s paradise, I thought I would help out by doing some research on the fun and exciting Laws that Singapore is famous for, so in order to help keep Trent out of Jail for 48 hours, please staple the following to his forehead:

    In Singapore Trent, it is illegal:
    A. Not to flush a public toilet after use.
    B. To Bungee Jump.
    C. To Sell Gum
    D. To walk around your home without any clothes on.
    E. To pee in a public elevator.

    I’m a little fuzzy on (E): “Peeing in a public elevator”, now although it certainly seems like a great idea, it makes you wonder why a Law was put in place for this exactly? Anyways, if you happen to see Trent jumping from foot to foot in an elevator, just pass him a cup, he’ll be fine.

    Also, I found out that if you are convicted of littering three times, you will have to clean the streets on Sundays with a bib on saying, “I am a litterer”. Don’t tell Trent about this one, only because I think it would be a great photo opportunity for the Big Yak and would no doubt draw quite a crowd of on lookers.

    Apart from those Laws and most likely, the 3 or 400 others that you won’t be made aware of before you arrive, I’m sure Singapore will be a nice stop over before your 15 hour flight back to Calgary, full of Mario Brothers, Donkey Kong and a full assortment of games to keep the kids entertained. That is, if they can get Trent to share.

    Your blog was once again, well put together, the zip line through the jungle may have just over taken the puke in the bag story at the last minute as the blog to end all blogs, which was no easy task let me tell you. I was interested in your target practice; the two of you could pass as a modern day Starsky and Hutch or Cagney and Lacey, depending on your point of view and who really wears the pants in your family. I’m guessing then, with that being said….is Trent Cagney or Lacey?

    Well that’s about it, this might be my last blog to you guys as I read you are back shortly. Thanks again, I really enjoyed reading about your adventures and writing to you – it became my little hobby as I would write a little bit every so often. You’ll have to go away again soon as my writing was definitely a good way to avoid some household chores. Anyways, Tom and Tracy, signing off……

    Tom and Tracy
    Mascots for the 2010 Winter Olympics.

  • Reply
    February 25, 2006 at 8:27 am

    Oh Honey that was a beautiful blog.I enjoyed it so much.Your pictures are beautiful .I want one of each.

    Jody I cannot believe you !the climbing, the zipline, Yes Ginger is right you should go on amazing race you and Trent would blow everyone away.

    You can cook your thai meal for me any time .I am gonna look forward to that.
    Im sure it is sad to leave Thailand, but you have so much to look forward to here ,The Snow ,Bills all your mail and who knows what else oh ya work.
    No Im kidding,But we are all looking forward to seeing all of you.I cannot wait to see you .Well fly safely, I love and miss you …Love Mom.Give the kids lots of hugs and kisses for me

  • Reply
    February 24, 2006 at 8:40 pm

    hi. oh those pictures are beautiful. i cant believe how much emma and easton are starting to look alike. and the pic of trent and easton on the beach is priceless. you all look wonderful!! i cant believe that you come home so soon. i am so excited. so is harlow, she is pretty lonely i think.she needs some other little people around. she is starting to try to sing, and she dances. shes a real riot. but alttle trouble maker too. she pulls all the toilet paper off the roll on a daily basis, and changes the temperature on our fridge and freezer everyday( youll see what i mean)but shes great. i cant wait for the next one. only a few weeks left. im tired of waddling everywhere! jody you did good at the shooting range. they have one in edmonton. i had the smallest gun they had, and i couldnt even hit the target. im such a wimp. well hope the end of your journey goes well. i cant wait to see you guys. i need your flight info so i can meet you. love you, hugs and kisses, bon

  • Reply
    February 24, 2006 at 6:27 pm

    Hello Schmu family,

    Way to go Jody!!! That was awesome. I know you already told me about it but seeing it with pictures is, of course, always better! No regrets…that’s a great way to start your last blog. I can live vicariously on that one. I totally would have gone with you to do that. The zipline looks incredible…oh, I am so jealous. I may be a tubing whimp but that I could go all out for!
    Let’s just say you can practice your thai cooking on us as much as you want…it might take a few dinners to get it right but because we are such good friends of yours we volunteer to sample your dishes as much as it takes. Your dishes look perfect!!! The ingredients won’t match up like buying them at that market but that’s okay. I am such a market person so I loved your pictures of the market. I could go on a world wide market tour.
    Too bad your fish escaped you again Schmu but on the other hand, if I understand this correctly, it might be for the best. Your house is too small for a big stuffed marlin, sailfish, swordfish, or whatever hanging on the wall. It’s not the having, it’s the chase.
    I was waiting for the family photo, usually it is around Christmas time…your photos and what you wrote was making me well up…you are a beautiful family and we feel very fortunate to be your friends. Can’t wait to see you all when you get home.
    Love Ginger 🙂

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