Canal – East turned 5! Part II

Taking in all that life has to offer! We had so much fun having the kids down here in Panama with us just taking one day at a time.

This is Part II of my blog entry from Bonnie & Mom’s trip down to Central America. It was a very busy 16days trying to see as many great things as we could. I think we could take on full time tour guides now : -)

After a very late start one morning we headed out to Gamboa to go on the Monkey Island Tour with everyone. I missed the turn off on the highway and I was truly driving like a Panamanian (I think I had everyone hanging on for dear life)….. racing is in my blood :- ) right Mom!

I talked about this tour before in a previous blog but this time was even better because I came equipped with more fruit and there were more monkeys this time. The kids were going crazy because the little guys were coming right onto the boat to take the fruit so gently out of our hands. One monkey came right into the middle of the boat and took Harlow’s granola bar… I wish I had a picture of that but we were all so stunned that we just sat in shock.

The monkeys are so cute, even my mom who does not like them at all said they were so adorable. I hope one day our kids truly understand and appreciate all the amazing things they have been able to do all over the world (a wish for every parent!) Bonnie & Harlow were so excited about the monkeys that this was one of my favorite activities we did with them.

(here the monkey is on our boat & is taking fruit from Emma & Everett’s hands… they are so soft & gentle)

The Monkey Island tour is on the canal along side the ships that are passing through Gatun Lake. All mom wanted was to see a cruise ship so she would wave to all the people…. we cruised by two of them. Bon & Mom thought it was pretty fascinating to be right down on the lake with the ships,…. not all visitors get this chance when they are on a weeks vacation down here in Panama.


(Harlow & Bon waving to the huge cruise ship passing by)

What did you think of Monkey tour?

Mom – loved to watch the kids get sooo excited. The monkey were way more cute than I thought they were going to be.
Bonnie – Was awesome, it was very cool to be close capuchin wild monkeys. It was so fun to hear the kids ohh and ahhh over the monkeys.
Having Bonnie & Mom here was a great excuse to make the time to go to the most visited tourist spot in Panama…. The Miraflores Locks Panama Canal being one of them…. I have been on the canal and drive over it lots but I have never made the time to go to the tourist centre.

The morning we went it was over cast so it was perfect for Bonnie & Mom. The Miraflores visitor centre has three observation decks to watch the ships come through the canal.

The Panama Canal is a lock-type canal, approximately 80 kilometers long, which unites the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans at one of the narrowest points of both, the Isthmus of Panama and the American Continent. The Canal officially opened its doors to international trade on August 15, 1914, and instantly shortened vessel voyage times and fuel consumption, while dramatically improving the delivery time for the world’s goods. The waterway also provided an immediate stimulus to the global economies by giving a major boost to international trade. Since that date more than 900,000 vessels have transited the waterway. The Canal was built and operated by the United States until noon, December 31, 1999, when it was transferred to the Panamanian government, in accordance with a Treaty in 1977.

The Canal’s three sets of locks, each of which has two lanes, operate as water lifts to elevate ships 85 feet above sea level to the summit level of Gatun Lake, where they cross the Continental Divide, and are then lowered back to sea level on the opposite side of the Isthmus. During these lockages, which use water obtained from Gatun Lake, the miter gates seal the locks chambers and gravity drains the water to the lower levels. Approximately 197 million liters of fresh water are used for each lockage and ultimately flushed into the sea. Each set of locks features a Control House on the center wall of its higher chamber, from which this entire operation is directed. Miraflores and Pedro Miguel Locks are on the Pacific side where tidal differences are more significant and the Gatun Locks are located on the Atlantic side, where tidal differences are minimal.

Though most vessels use their own propulsion throughout their transit of the Canal, they are assisted when passing through the locks by electric locomotives, which use cables to align the ships to avoid contact with the lock walls. The locomotives also serve to assist vessels by providing towing and braking during lockages. Working in pairs, locomotives move on rails and keep the vessels centered within the locks chambers. Depending on its size, an oceangoing vessel can require assistance from four to eight locomotives.

(the Panama Canal was fascinating but a slow process… This is truly one of the Wonders of the World)

(here is a huge container ship heading to the Atlantic Ocean… there is only a foot on each side of the ship for wiggle room through each of the locks)

(the large doors that you see above open to allow ships to enter the next phase of the lock system. These are the original doors that have been here since the completion of the canal in 1914… Amazing how long ago the ideas they created have not been changed and still function in our ever fast paced changing world)


(here is a ship entering the Miraflores locks in the first phase. The large doors are now hydraulic)


(Now this ship is in the first phase… take note of where the ship is- it is parallel with the sides of the locomotive track explained above)

(you can see here the little locomotive pulling the ship into place so the ship can be raised to enter the next lock)

(Now note how the ship has been raised… the gravity of moving water is how these enormous vessels are lifted… fascinating stuff. I have attached a link below that can show you a quick video of how the locks work if you are interested… copy & paste the link)

The illustration above shows the profile of the canal. Three locks lift the ships 85 feet to the artificial lake at the top of the canal. Then three at the other side return the ship to sea level.

(two cute little trouble makers)

(good thing the babysitter came! You did excellent uncle Trent)

As you can imagine having 5 small kids together all the time made for some very interesting times. We were always trying to come up with activities to keep them busy and out of trouble. Or in Everett & Harlow’s case… stop teasing eachother :- )

(me and my baby girl… finger painting is so much fun)

For Bonnie & Mom’s last weekend we took them to Playa Blanca, the all-inclusive resort. This is the resort we went to a few months ago and felt it would be great to get away for some R&R.

Bonnie loved it here, the resort is nice and small so no worries about the kids and Harlow was a little fish. Bonnie said that it was the most she felt relaxed on the trip because the kids were so content playing away in the water.

(the kids playing with their big lovable toy… DADDY. Harlow was Trent’s shadow, wanted to be with him all the time)

(everyone waiting for the nightly show to begin)

(Em’s friend from school was at the resort… Nicole)

(Bon & Harlow splashing in the water)

(us girls loving being together)

(my kids have my mom eating out of the palms of their hands…)

What did you think of Playa Blanca?


Mom – very nice, beautiful nice small resort… food ok… weather was gorgeous, pool was wonderful with the kids and adults.. We had a great time, everyone got burned, loved watching the kids on stage dance. Entertainment was really good.

Bonnie I loved it here, it was my first time I felt I was on vacation on my vacation. It was nice and relaxing. Beautiful, clean, friendly, awesome for the kids. The shows truly entertaining , pussy cat dolls and all.

(a picture of everyone all cozy in the truck on the way home from the beach)

(oh my precious little Harlow… Aunties loves you… a cute picture of her)

(East & Mom out for dinner… the kids loves to eat out)

(Em & Harlow – the girls trying to get away from all the boys)

Easton has turned 5yrs. old… WOW I can’t believe my baby boy is 5. As I have mentioned before we have been to some very elaborate birthday parties here in Panama. There was no way we were going to even come close to putting on a spread like those ones so we decided to have a party at school for Easton. East’s teacher was great she helped us get pizza ordered and booked the morning off for the party.

I told Easton maybe next year we could do a big birthday party but this year would not work because Mommy & Daddy could not talk to the other kids, parents or clown…. pretty much everyone else very well. East did not mind he thought it was great to have the party at school.

I found a version of Cakeworks here and I got an awesome Spiderman cake. It was great! My mom thinks the cake here was better than Cakeworks in terms of decorating (this information is really only for Jodie & Ginger who can appreciate my kids birthday cakes..haha) The taste however my mom said was not as good as Cakeworks.

(I like this picture as it gives a clear picture of the brotherly love the boys share :- )

(SPIDY birthday this year)

(Easton and all his Amigos (boys) in his class)

(all the Amigas were fighting to get close to the birthday boy… it was funny. Don’t they look so cute in thier uniforms!)

(East got spoiled for his birthday… for 2 days he got presents from the kids in his class, we are so thankful for how nice everyone has been… one lucky little guy)

(honored guests to the party)

Eastons birthday – it was lots of fun… cute to see all the kids in there uniforms. The Panaminan kids are partiers. The Spanish now how ot party and it starts at a very young age.

What did you think of Easton’s birthday?


Bonnie It was very sweet. The kids were very kind, Easton sticks out like a sore thumb. His teacher seemed very westernized.

What was your favorite part of your trip down here?

Mom – seeing all the grand kids.. neat to see panama as a local instead of a tourist. Still trying to figure out the panamain people.. ordinary people. Favorite part was when the kids went to bed.


Bonnie – Monkey island and playa blanca.
As I finish this entry I think back at our two & half weeks and I am sad that they are gone. I had a great time having my family here and I can’t wait for them to come back… crying kids and all. Poor Keidis was sick when he was down here and had to make a trip to the doctor which cost Bonnie $10.00 We had a lot of fun just hanging out and evening trips to Arrocha (like our London Drug)

I am looking at one more adventure before we head back to Canada in no time soon. Hopefully I will have something exciting to blog about. Everett will be turning 3 on Friday… can you believe it 3yrs. old… For his birthday we will be having cake and maybe some balloons, nothing Panamanian style :- )

I want to say Congratulations to my cousin Alicia who recently became engaged and who will be getting married this summer. Happy be-lated birthday to Jackie Pearce, Happy Birthday to Jodie Drew, Harry & Gingers Anniversary will be celebrated very soon, JJ & Auntie Pat’s, Christina Dezall, Falon & Uncle Ray’s birthday also my Grampa Galbraith’s birthday all for the month of May….. and HAPPY MOTHERS DAY to all you wonderful moms out there for surviving each day with a smile on your face.

All our love and see you soon when we head back to Canada!
xoxoxo Trent, Jody, Emma, Easton & Everett

1 Comment

  • Reply
    May 9, 2007 at 1:19 am

    Oh Honey ..After reading your blog You make me want to be back there again….It was truly crazy there on some days with all the kids…but honestly I do miss it ..Would not want to do the flying thing again with a 1 and 2 year old though, don’t get me wrong I love those little babies but the flying thing its for the birds…Your blog once again was wonderful and very educational..You and Trent should start your own Tour guide business you would do awesome or write for a Tourism magazine…Yes Jody I think that is your calling…Have a great day …talk soon …Love and miss you all soooo much …Love Mom

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