Fire trucks – Pumpkins

Everett’s Kindergarten class had a field trip to the fire station!  The fire hall was at the Panama Canal… the tour was awesome.  This was the very first modern fire truck and ambulance we have ever seen here in Panama.  Normally the fire trucks are old orange trucks and the ambulances are more a van style.  It is serious business at the Panama Canal because of the global presence there.
It was a great day and the kids did fantastic.  Thank you Mrs. Layman and Mrs. Guy for arranging the trip for everyone.
(Everett with his K5 classmates, teachers and local firefighters)
… Trent and I flew the coup for a week.  My Mom came down to spend some fun time with the kids so we took the opportunity to reconnect with the North American world.  The kids did not miss us one bit so it was easy to get away.  My Mom drove down here (very proud of her) and even went into the city.  The kids told me she had a lot of people honk at her … welcome to Panama  :- )  See, now Panama is not that bad at all… just like any other country … full of crazies  LOL.
Our desitnation was Nevada.   What was suppose to be a reunion of many turned into a quiet, relaxing few days for us.  It takes 8 hours fly time from Panama but when flying with only one bag and not hungry munchkins, travel days are easy  :- )  This trip we stayed at the Palazzo Hotel and we really enjoyed our time there.  The staff was helpful and the spa did not disappoint.  I would recommned this hotel.  We also saw Terry Fator who is unbelievably talented… we really really enjoyed his show.
Because we were heading back to Vegas I wanted to take the time to visit the Grand Canyon, a place that I wanted to cross off my MUST SEE list.  Trent had been before but this was my first time however this was Trent’s first time in a helicopter.  What a riot that was!


(here we are outside our chopper we toured in.  I am wearing my safetly belt incase of an unforseen situation.  Love when we land safely on the ground!)


(it is a tight fit.  Trent gave me the window.  Thanks Honey…  It was a bit unnerving taking off but the ride was thrilling.  I loved watching the pilot control the helicopter, he has a very cool job)
(here we are flying over the Hoover Dam.  They said the amount of concrete in this structure would pave a road from LA to New York.   Also mentioned… the security was stepped up significantly after 9-11)

(an aerial shot of the West Rim, we flew right down in there!  Unlike the South and North Rim, Grand Canyon West is not apart of the Grand Canyon National Park.  It is located on the Hualapai Indian Reservation which makes travel by car a wee bit difficult to this remote location)


(Our tour took us right down into the Grand Canyon to the Colorado River.  We sipped champagne and had a tasty snack while taking in the stunning views.  It takes my breath away how amazing our world is, so many places to see.  I am so thankful for the burning desire to see more and more)

(we are finally in the Grand Canyon!  Thanks for coming along for the ride honey)


(We just took off from the base of the canyon… BEAUTIFUL!)

(Our pilot’s life story was fascinating, flying a helicopter is not a dull job.
  Trent had fun talking into the mic and listening to great music)


(a shot of the Vegas strip from the air… Fun stuff!!!)
The trip is over now back in Panama

November is holiday time in Panama!  The flags go up each year in celebration of the 
3 Nov Independence Day (from Colombia).
5 Nov Independence Day (Colón City only).
10 Nov First Call for Independence from Spain.
28 Nov *Independence Day (from Spain).

(The kids had fun running around the field playing tag)


(the kids creatively carved creations on the most expensive pumpkins!  Pumpkins are imported here and are not the cheapest squash.  These round orange balls were $19.00 each with Everett’s growing mold as soon as the moisture got inside.  It was fun though and we had enough pumpkin seeds to roast for a treat)

(we are so hot I can’t stand it…haha.. This is our new look we are trying out, the kids think it is great)

(the boys turned into “white ninjas” (thank goodness I found costumes) and Ms. Em was the “Queen of Hearts” from Alice in Wonderland, with a twist … her funky wig she had to wear.  You guys look awesome.  The only bummer part of trick or treating in Panama is that they do not have swedish berries or nib candies down here so I have no reason to raid the kids loot bags) 
(our annual family funny photo) 
(We roamed the streets with our friends the Cortese’s with their three little ones.  
Emma, Charlotte, Guan Carlo, Easton, Everett and Mackenzie.  It was all fun and games even when it started to rain)

A quick blog today.  The days are getting busier with Christmas around the corner.  The kids are preparing for their school Christmas concert that they are preformance on Dec 11 and 12th.  Shows are a big event down here, everyone gets into the celebration of Christmas… it is nice.
Thursday is American Thanksgiving… so Happy Thanksgiving to all our American friends.  We are celebrating with some yanky friends so I am looking forward to some yummy turkey! 

Have a fantastic week!   

p.s.  I will leave you with two crazy pictures of Trent with these enormous fish he caught.  He said they were a great fight, it was a catch and release man made lake full of these ugly catfish.  I don’t think his smile could get any bigger… so happy for you honey, you are in your glory!

(This is what a 80lb beauty looks like and it only took 30 min to reel him in)
(this was Trent’s 15th fish of the day… his arms were burning after 7 hours of bringing these suckers to the surface before releasing them again) 

Fun stuff.

Until next time!  
All our love
Trent. Jody. Em. East and Ev
x x x x x

1 Comment

  • Reply
    November 26, 2009 at 10:58 pm

    Those are dang ugly fish!!!

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