Sept – Oct 2010 ~ A few places explored

It has been a while.  I just don’t seem to be at my computer as much these days.  Having three active kids has really kicked into high gear, especially since this school likes parent involvement ALOT.  I thought having toddlers was busy  🙂
We are getting our bearings more and more each day.  Other than trying to learn another language the move has been pretty smooth.  The kids are happy so I am happy, then in turn Trent says his favorite saying “Happy wife happy life!” ~ wise man I say  🙂
Party Time…
Our friend James along with his twin sister Amy turned 35…  Parties are not messed around here, everyone is very serious about their BBQing and bringing along their own cooler of beverages in tow with them.  There was a big pig roast (ahhh) with yummy salads served up with it, a fun night.
(the set up in Bec and Jame’s back yard.  Lanterns were lite all around, it was beautiful)
(Bec holding the big delish cake with Amy and James enjoying the evening)
Back to Little House on the Prairie
(Our power went out for hours so the kids got to experience completeing homework by candle light.  Going to bed with no fans or air conditioning, was a wee bit uncomfortable.~ I had to resort to soaking towels with cold water and laying them on the kid’s little bodies to cool them down. The best part of no electricity was the amazing night sky all lite up with stars)
(which one, which one?  Em and Trent checking out a new 3D TV.  To many TV’s to choose from so we walked out empty handed  🙂  
Canadian Thanksgiving….
We celebrated with a group of teachers at school.  The feast was delicious and it was great to be among a few fellow Canucks who could talk hockey smack.  Unfortunately the memory card in my camera corrupted and I lost my pictures (so sad), but nether the less the meal was scrumptious.
Doi Suthep Temple
An ancient temple atop of the city of Chiang Mai. There are over 300 steps to the top, it was great exercise for the kids 🙂
(Trent and I were at this temple 5 yrs. ago when we were in Chiang Mai the first time, it was nice to bring the kids back to experience the history.  This temple sits atop 1676 meters above Chiang Mai offering beautiful views, it is one of the most revered temples still today that was built in 1386)  
(the row of bells for good luck, the kids rang everyone of them, it was music to our ears)
(the kids being their funny selves in front of a temple door.  LOVE these kidlets)
(Ya!  we get to walk down now)
Chiang Mai Zoo
(found it funny that even in the zoo grounds there is a 7-11, which are everywhere here.  Loaded up on some snacks and made our way to our next tram stop.  The zoo has a tram that transports visitors around the  23 acres, which gave Trent’s joints some relief)
(The little guy was so interesting to watch, he loved to just stare at the people passing by while he enjoyed his time on monkey island)
Animal Show…
(can’t help but smile when a beautiful bird is sitting on your arm)
(this bird was trained well.  A participant in the audience holds out their arm with 20 baht between their fingers  (in our case it was 100baht because we had nothing smaller) the bird lands on your arm and takes your money back to the trainer for a tip.  It was fun but added up fast… haha.  20baht = $0.65   100 baht = $3.00 and each kids wanted to participate)
(always loves hanging with the birds)
(now two birds with a big smile)
(good thing the birdy did not relieve himself on your head Pal)
At the Chiang Mai Zoo there is a snow dome or lets say a freezing chamber.  You enter the building, receive your winter jacket and rubber boots before proceeding into the Dome.  When we walked through the freezer door WOW it was a great dose of home at  -7 degrees.  We tobogganed down the slippery slope and played around for a bit before leaving to unthawing in the +30 heat.  haha… It was fun and when I get a little home sick the dome is a great cure  😉

(huddled together to try to keep warm.  It was a welcomed shock to the system)
(a quick picture before heading down the slope one last time.  Of course this small hill is nothing like the real deal back home but it is at least something)
Ev’s Structure
Everett’s Gr. 1 class has been studying structures ~ which means ; the materials from different resources, various designs, what is important for strength etc.  During their research it was up to the students to gather information to assemble a creative structure and present it .  Great work everyone!
(Here Ev is with his partner Emmy proudly presenting their structure they made.  Alot of thought went into their design and with teamwork made sure they had the essentials ~ roof, windows, floor, and pipes… great work guys, very proud of them)
(Ev’s poster he made to show the different steps he took to come up with the information he needed to created a waterproof structure)
2010 Swim Carnival
Each year at the end of term 1 is the annual PTIS swim carnival at school.  It was a fantastic day unfortunately Emma was home sick in bed and could not compete, (she was the favorite to win all of  Junior School) 🙂   The boys did great, Ev and Easton won all of their races.  Proud of your hard work!
(all my kids are in the Green House.  Everyone is getting ready for their team cheer and races to begin)
(Ev focused and waiting for the whistle… Go buddy)
(so fun watching this little fish.  Ev has been complimented for his swimming abilities and speed.  Ev is now competing against Gr. 2’s)
(East has taken on the butterfly stroke.  He did great and his power is amazing)
(oh you are handsome and growing up into a young man.  East had so much fun competing and cheering on his House Team)
(a really fun relay was the kayak race.  4 kids per boat and they had to paddle with their hands from one end to the next.  Great team work)
(East and his classmate Peirs, they are two peas in a pod)
(boys playing soccer before school with Essie.  She was the pig in the middle,  such a rascal of a puppy)
A weekend trip to Mae Sot
Kids had a 12 day break from school so we decided to venture around northern Thailand.  This particular weekend we made our way to the Burma boarder town of Mae Sot, it was a 4 hour drive.  We went with our friend Rebecca, James and their two kids Georgia and Conner.  The reason for the trip was Rebecca’s helper has a sister in a refugee camp in this area making this a great opportunity to bring some clothes and supplies to her.
(Em and I outside a temple by this amazing elephant statue.  The colorful ropes signify prayers for good luck. I find it fascinating how symbolic Buddhists are..  Love my girl)
(here above the temple is a Budda with 7 snakes above.  The snakes represent the story of when Budda was praying, the rain started and a snake appeared splitting into 7 heads to sheild the Budda from getting wet.  This is the Saturday Budda)
(arrived at the hotel to be greeted by name.  No one gets my name right, I am always Judy here)
(off to the market Thai style.  Nothing like pilling into the back of the truck to hit the town.  The kids loved loved loved this)
Sunday market ~ The market in Mae Sot has a lot of Burmese people who the Thais are not so friendly with. It is a hard life for these people since civil war, a very corrupt government and violence has gripped Burma, many many people are displaced.  Here are theses amazing local woman selling shrimp and crabs (the creatures under the mud in the baskets on the right)  A shanty town is behind them with a smell that was hard to avoid and garbage everywhere.  We are beyond blessed to be born where we have been)
(a quick snapshot of the shanty village that had garbage, dogs, and what we would consider too many people all living together.  This is the reality for thousands and thousands of our fellow man)
Pacharoen National Park was beautiful and not to far from the shanty village.  Makes me appreciate so much our opportunities in life and the thanks I have each and everyday for our freedom.
(It was a nice afternoon by the waterfall.  LOVE YOU FAM)
(The kids had a great time swimming and climbing up Mother Natures gift to us.  It was a bit to cold for me so I had the privilege of standing by and take pictures)
(oh my beautiful girl is growing up so fast.  Wow to think I have a preteen)
The Nest...
We headed out close to a town called Chiang Dao to a tucked away little resort at the foot of the rolling hills. It was quaint, simple and absolutely peaceful.  The owner of the resort is Thai however she trained as a chef in Europe for years and her food is delicious!  On Thursday nights there is an all you can eat BBQ buffet that is Western style done to perfection.
(our little cabin we called home for 2 days)
(the inside of one of cabins which consisted of a bed, a roll away and washroom.  What more do you need?)
(Ev walking to breakfast, the setting here reminded me of Kananaskis)
(The entrance of the Chiang Dao caves not to far from The Nest… absolutely amazing formations deep inside these cavern walls)
(We had guides that lead us with kerosene lanterns because it would not take long to get lost and disoriented as there is not even a speck of natural light deep inside the caves, complete darkness.  You can see some of the spaces within is very tight and Trent just squeezed through this hole)
(here are the kids, and then some posing by the beautiful formations above)
(time to head home and pack up.  Em and East hitching a ride in the luggage transporter)
550 steps up!
(here is the beginning of our walk up 550 steps to reach breathtaking views at the temple high up in the hills)
(here is the temple we finally came upon, very peaceful up there)
Lets Get Rafting
A group of teachers and us went white water rafting for the day on the Mae Tang River… what a rush.
(here is our group before we entered our boats.  We had four people in each raft with an amazingly strong skilled guide (thank goodness at times)  The scenery was absolutely stunning)
(if you look you can see five helmets, the two in the front are Trent (red helmet) and James (white)  The water was so powerful and exciting all at the same time)
(same boat…I opened my eyes after I was done screaming surprised to find everyone was in the raft, we managed to pull out of this one.  As you can see the whole front of the flotation device was submerged… WHOA.. We rode the rapids at the tail end of the rainy season, so the water was down a bit and not raging like it can be ~ maybe next rainy season we will brave the raging water again  😉
Life here in Chiang Mai is great but still adjusting to finding the fun funky stores I love to discover.  The kids are really getting busy with their own interests.  Last year two kids was manageable but now that Everett is involved in many activities as well, the game of life has stepped up a bit.
We are approaching our first winter season here and it is definitely chilly in the mornings and evenings, with perfect temperatures through out the afternoons.  The kids are now asking for their jackets when they wake up to takes the edge off the nippiness.  Easton even asked me if the truck had a heater…haha… NO.  We get teased about being Canadian, that we should be tough but the heat in Panama has made us a wee bit wimpy  🙂
Christmas is fast approaching… happy and sad.  Happy because I love Christmas and we have friends coming to celebrate with us and sad we will not be going back to the snow for a real Canadian Christmas and spending time with everyone.
*We have the Loy Krathong festival this weekend from what I hear is amazingly beautiful, we are excited about that.
*Emma just celebrated her 11th birthday ~ CRAZY.  Had a fun party.
*On Saturday will be the 11th anniversary of my Dad’s passing.
*A huge congratulations to my cousin Jill and husband Chad for welcoming into the world little Cohen, a healthy baby boy.
Lots to update in the next post.  For now it is time to sign off.
With lots of lots of love
Trent. Jody. Em. East. Ev and Essie  

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