2010 Christmas & New Years


Merry Christmas ~
Past… 2010
For anyone who knows me, being this far behind in my blog is insane. 2010 was such a crazy year of awesome change but with the commotion of it all a few things have taken the back seat. We are now settled and 2011 will be a much simpler year (i think) haha.
Christmas 2010 we decided to stay in Thailand and the Richard Family came join us. They presently are living in Saudi Arabia so at least they are on this side of the world relatively and the trip was not that far. ~Funny how 10 hours of traveling is not that far anymore ~… haha
The Richards arrived December 17th and we had a fun 3 weeks of showing them around the country we are calling home for now.

(The Richard family. Jaymee is almost 7 and Jordyn is 4)

We did the whole tour around our house again so it was fun to be the tour guide showing the tourist this time πŸ™‚
The Tour Begins!!!

(Back again to Tiger Kingdom ~ this time itty bitty 4 week old kitties were roaming around. They were soooo cute. It was tempting to sneak one of them in my bag to take home …haha)

(Em with her little buddy she made. 4 weeks and this little one is getting big)

(Easton had a little guy crawl right up to him and lay in his lap…ahhhh)

(the big boys melting over a little kitty. Trent and Rob have been mates since their first year of University, a long long time ago..haha)

Snake Show…

(off to the snake show, East had two slithering creatures around his neck getting all tangled up)

(Tori has a fear of snakes so she sat as far as possible gathering moral support from the girls)

(why be afraid when a 5 year old plays with live snakes like we would rubber ones)

(East should have a job here. He walks in grabs a snake and shows how harmless they are. The girls were pretty scared at first but then warmed up to the slithering creatures since East was holding them)

Keeping with tradition…

(Gingerbread House decorating in the tropics ~( just does not have the same ring to it). I was fortunate enough to find a lady who put together ginger kits which were fantastic. We had a lot of fun decorating while listening to Christmas music to put us into the spirit of the season)

(Easton’s creation ~ love your roof top snowmen)

(Ev’s final project, great job all by himself)

(Em’s masterpiece. Beautiful)

(2010 Ginger houses!)

The NEST! ~
the out of town retreat

(Rob and Trent getting tortured during their 2 hour Thai massage. These woman were extremely strong and made these grown men squeal like babies πŸ™‚

(Chiang Dao caves are always interesting and very very dark)

(the boys were trying to represent something here,.,haha

(the cave dwellers)

(did the trek up to the temple over 5o0 steps to reach the top, great exercise and an amazing view. The kids showed the Richards how to approach a Budda and how to enter a temple)

(I need this sign in my house some days lol πŸ™‚

Christmas Eve…

(we set off lanterns for everyone, this time with sparklers attached to light up the sky. It was magical)

(we are all getting ready for the big fireworks show. Love the that the corner stores sell a huge range of different options to create a spectacle in the sky)

(Christmas Eve we sat around singing Christmas Carols and reading some fun stories. Then off to bed so Santa could come)

(the kids excited about their Christmas jammies they get to open every Christmas Eve ~ Thanks Mom for sending them)

Merry Christmas…
(our annual Christmas morning picture… love it!)

(Santa was so good to the kids this year. All the kids got bikes that they wanted so much. Ev was so cute, he prayed for a bike earlier in the week and said “Please God, I hope Santa brings me a bike, I will even take a pink one if I have to, just really really want a bike.” Also true to Santa style, a stuffy was left to escort the bikes in wearing new helmets for Em. East and Ev)

(Everett was a bit excited about his special delivery of Star Wars lego ~ thanks secret Santa)

(isn’t technology great? It was like we were experiencing the madness together, my Mom and sister were on the other end watching (when it worked) and listening to the fun at our house. We switched roles when it was Christmas morning in Canada and we were ready to call it a night here)

(ahhh if this moment could just last all the time πŸ™‚


Turn up your speakers
and enjoy some elephant magic!

(this was such an AWESOME day.

We spent the day learning and discovering with elephants to become Mahouts. Enjoy)
Kho Lak Beach for New Years!
(We packed our suitcases, Richards said goodbye to Chiang Mai and we boarded a plane bound for Phuket. We spend a week at the Emerald Beach and Spa Resort playing in the sand and frolicking in the ocean)
(nothing better than being care free boy and sailing your kite down the beach)

(the stealth hunters searched for hermit crabs who became temperary pets named; Barbie, Hannah Montana, Sport, and Hermie for the afternoon, before releasing them and starting the whole catch and release game again the following days. One little crab lunged out and it was pretty funny to see Trent jump so fast)

(Em and I catching up on some big girl time. Em was so great with Jaymee and Jordyn but needed a few moments to just chill)


!!!Happy New Years!!!

Kho Lak – Phuket, Thailand 2011. New Years was brought in with a big bang. The fireworks display was amazing over the ocean, our hotel building shook from all the BIG BANGS)

(New Years dinner was served at the beach with live entertainment including our kids..haha Here is to another great year!)
(midnight is so late so we had our own little party in our room a bit before the hour hand struck 12. Party on kids πŸ™‚
(the morning after effects of staying up to late)
(my absolutely incredible family ~ love nothing more than to explore and be together)


After a week of at the beach we loaded back on the plane to Bangkok for a few days. Trent and Rob went fishing while Tori and I took the kids to the aquarium one day while riding the subway. It was a fun few days of shopping and enjoying some great meals.
During our time at the beach and in Bangkok mostly everyone suffered from the stomach flu, it hit hard but was over in 30 hours, everyone was troopers.
(love my kids, they are so animated and can really take some crazy pictures ~ look at Ev’s face, right in to the scene..haha)
Said Goodbyes and Hellos…
(A few days after the Richards left Hannah and her boyfriend Braden arrived. A month prior Hannah emailed and said they were making Chiang Mai their second pit stop on their 3 month travel adventure around Asia. It was great having them! We have know Hannah and her Dad for years back in Canada, it is always wonderful to see a familiar face when traveling)


The beginning of 2011 has been great, busy but great. We have moved house once again but this time we are here for at least 2 years which is great. I will get some pictures once all the boxes are unpacked πŸ™‚ I am so thankful for the opportunity to get our memories and thoughts down and thanks for taking a peak. Time to go grab the kids from school.
With all our love
Trent. Jody. Em. East. Ev

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