June 2012 – Boys celebrate yet again.

Life Goes On… (at a fast speed)

I am putting together some pictures so I do not get to behind with our trip back to our Mother Country. That was my first sentence of this post a few months ago…haha  Obviously I did get behind but catching up now.
 We have had a great last few months before summer break.  It was great to head back to North America to experience nice wide highways, fun shopping and of course all our wonderful family and friends!
… Easton turned 10 … 
This amazing young man is now 10 years old, has the same size of feet as me now (crazy) and is really showing his talents in the Arts.  Amazing kid he is.


(Easton got a drum kit for his birthday so he can jam for us all the time and practice his skills to master his drumming)


(For East’s birthday we went ziplining with Jungle Flight, it was awesome!  Happy Birthday Buddy) 


(Everett flying through the air)


(Emma repelling down 40 feet, it was a freeing feeling!)


(We zipped together Trent and I)


(East’s buddies who came for all the excitement for the celebration. 
Me. Maxime. Easton. Piers. Everett. Trent. Emma)


(Easton ready to cut into his birthday cake he made himself which he is was very proud of… it was delicious)
… Futsal Season 
Trent coached the U11 Futsal Boys team.  Everett and Easton both played with heart and dedication.  Great job boys!
(Everett Gr 2 giving his all up against a much larger boy in Gr 5.  LOVE Ev’s determination! )
(Scored!  Ken. Joseph. Everett)
… Everett turns 8 …

Ev is so gifted in many ways and has the corkiest sense of humor.
(Ev’s mates came over and we went to the movie “Men in Black 3”, followed by a sleepover with these monkeys.  
Joe. Kal. Everett. Korben)


(Emma had a friend over during Everett’s birthday party to keep her company among all the boys..haha.  Here Emma and Sara are trying to get some peace enjoying their books)

… Boys last night …  

Sean, one of Trent’s close buddies (top right) moved to Hong Kong for their next teaching post.  The guys got together for one last poker night and endless laughs.

top row… Donal. Trent. Sean
down below… Steve. Rob. John. Mac
A hoot of a group of guys…

(When the Brothers are not playing poker they are playing cards or board games every Tuesday night.  They are to funny.  Can you spot the zebra..haha)


… Cancer Care Run …

(My family were troopers.  Woke up very early on a Saturday morning to participate in the Cancer Care Run at Hung Tao.  It was a 3.5km run, Everett kicked all our butts, Trent ran the whole thing, Emma and Easton crossed the finish line with smiles.  A great morning, very proud of everyone!)
… Sunday Brunch …

Most Sundays we head out for brunch and one of our favorite spots is the Shangri-La Hotel.

(The kids learned to make towel orgami and created some fun creatures.  Ev and his cute birdies)
(Easton’s bunny.  Emma’s elephant.  Everett’s birdies… they are so cute)
(The parking system is fantastic.  When you park your car boxing in others, the vehicle is left in neutral allowing the car to be pushed out of the way to get to yours… Great system)



… Jr. Swim CMAC 2012 …

(Our Jr. Swim team for 2012.  Getting ready for the big day.  All their hard work payed off because our team were the CHAMPIONS!
(Easton trained hard and kicked butt in his butterfly race, he is so unbelievably strong)
(Everett getting ready for the GO signal.  Ev received Gold in all his races making him the age champion as well, he was a machine this day)
(The kids were honored at school with all thier medals from the swim competition.  Emma won 2 silvers, 2 bronze races,  Easton took home 1 gold, 2 silver and 2 bronze…  Everett came away with all golds.
(Ev is prouder than anything of all his medals he has won this year in competitions and his trophy.  This boy loves his sports  🙂


… A weekend of Yoga …

(Myself and two girlfriends (Kate and Tiffany) went away for an amazing weekend of some intense yoga which was exhilarating.


(Trent went to Bangkok to meet up with one of his buddies for a day of fishing and this is his prize fish.  A 63kg or 139lbs cat fish that he was soooo excited to reel in ~ then release of course)
… A day working at COSA …

Emma and I volunteered at a shelter for girls COSA.  This organization works on early intervention for young girls who’s families are about to sell the girls into prostitution or slavery.  Girls have been rescued from various brothels as well.
(Two little ones playing and snacking while we work our butts off on the property.  They were so cute and the sad reality is their parents gave them to COSA so they would not be tempted to sell them for financial gain)


(Too the kitchen to get lunch)
(Emma and Sara worked very hard physically moving rock and dirt to build around the new mushroom shack for the girls at COSA)


(The workers and student volunteers at the end of the day.  Great job everyone!)


Adventure Time to Pai and beyond  🙂
(Our first night in Pai we stayed at The Quarter, a cute little place off main street.  It was a great way to celebrate my birthday and a very memorable night for Trent. Sean and Richard ~ you will have to ask them  🙂


(Second night of our adventure weekend we headed farther north and stayed at Cave Lodge.  This place is tucked in the middle of nowhere and was an adventure in itself finding it)
(Our traveling comrades.  Murphy family, Healy Family, Ghob and her crew along with Khun Kow.  It was a great weekend to say goodbye to everyone.  The Murphy family moved back to their home country of New Zealand and the Healy’s jumped over to Hong Kong for a few years) 
(A perfect place to read and take a nap)
(Easton being creative with Jenga blocks)


(When we were not trekking to caves the guys spent their time enjoying some cold ones and playing crib.  You can’t get much more Canadian than that)


(Boys playing table tennis on a table that has been loved over the years)
(The mess hall with so many delicious food choices to gobble down)


(My amazing bunch)


(We went treking to a cave at dusk to watch the bats and over 300,000 swift birds return and leave their nests.  It was pretty spectacular to watch thousands upon thousands of birds swoop in and out without bumping into eachother)
(The rock formations were beautiful)
(Watch out for trolls)
(Our lofted cabin for a few nights.  The view overlooked the river and jungle beyond, which was stunning.  Our accommodations was pushing 2 stars because we shared our room with lots of other creatures  🙂  Good thing our kids are flexible)


(People pay hundreds of dollars to get mud baths like this)
(Kai rolling Everett in the goo)
(Time for some real adventure!  Kayaking on the river)


(Sean. Trent and Richard… We had a good laugh that the helmets did not fit the guys heads)


(Ev and I had made it through a few tight spots)


(Headlamps were a must in here.  We paddled our way through complete darkness listening to thousands of bats squeaking above our heads… It was so cool and disgusting at the same time)
(In the mist of darkness in the cave our guide led us to an enbankment instructing us to get out of our boats.  It was time to scale the cave in pitch black with bat poo everywhere)
(A memory and smell I don’t think we will forget)
(Trent making his way down the river after navigating some rapids)
 (My partner in exploring  🙂
 (Ev was a trooper and had to help get us out of some tough situations)
(My adrenaline seeking family.  Kayaking was a blast ~ until next time)
Love * Love * Love old Thai people


(To finish each day we all wound down with a Thai Massage before bed.  This was Easton’s first full massage and he is addicted..haha)


… Back to Reality in Chiang Mai …

 (Everett joined the GLEE club at school and preformed at the Gr. 5 graduation as well as the fairwell assembly.  They preformed “Don’t Stop Believing” and “We Will We Will Rock You” ~ it was awesome)
 (Easton. Ridian and Om at the end of the year school dance.  The theme was anything starting with a P)
 (In the spirit of things I dressed up as Pippy Longstocking, East was a Punk Rocker)
 (Easton with his girl posse.  Easton rips it up on the dance floor and all the girls love to dance with him)
… Hard work pays off …

 (The end of the year is always full of events.  Grade 6 was Emma’s first year in the Senior School and we could not be more blessed parents.  Em had a fantastic year weathering the transition year from Jr. School to Sr. School with such grace and focus.  Emma’s hard work was recognized by making Honour Roll, recieving an award for Excellence in Mandarin as well as top Athlete in Phyis Ed.  Awesome Job Kiddo)

(The kids along with Ronald say “see you later”)
Always such a great feeling to document small tibbits of what the kids are up to.  It is such a blessing and privilege to have a computer to type on, electricity to charge my computer, and a chair to sit on while doing so.
Until next update ~ whenever that may be…haha
Lots of Love
The Schmu Crew

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