Oct 31 – Dec 2012 – Em’s b-day – CMAC Champs


~ Happy Halloween ~
(Went to a Halloween House Party, we all had fun dressing up.  Me (A Greek Goddess)  Em (Katy Perry)  Ev (The Hulk)  Trent (A Greek God) and East (Mr. Lego) Fantastic home made costume) 


(Trent with Mac or Mr. Incredible)
(At the school parade, this little Korean kid cracked me up Gangnam Style)
~ Emmy turns 13 (where did the time go?) ~
(Our baby girls is now a teenager.  Em celebrated her birthday with a day of pampering.  First it was waking up to some fun treats, then to Wawee for a hot chocolate before continuing on with her special day)
(After hot chocolate but before lunch, a mani/pedi was needed before she was treated to High Tea at the Four Seasons Resort.  It was a fantastic day!  Unfortunately Trent was in the USA at the time so Em decided to have a bigger celebration once he returned home)
~ A fun night at school ~ 
(The Visiting School Program (VSP) put on a community event including a BBQ, bonfire and spectacular fire works show. I hope they put on more events like this!)
(Boys and their attraction to anything sparkly and a tad bit dangerous)




~ JR. School CMAC Swim Competition ~ 
(Jr. Swim Team.  A dedicated bunch training multiple times per week to prepare for the final competition.  This years team was a young one and they came in third place overall.  Keep training kids next year its game on!)
(Fast. Maxime. East. Everett and Piers… A great bunch of boys)
(Our power swimmer, this boy was on fire! East was skimming the water he was so fast, a very successful day for him)


(East’s strongest event, the Butterfly.  He is a joy to watch, so much power)
(Ev waiting for the horn to signal to start his freestyle race.  Ev fell sick during the competition and he raced even with a fever, he has such dedication)


~ International Day ~

(Each year most International Schools hold an International Day celebrating all the many unique and diverse cultures in the school.  Our Prem International School has 43 different nationals in the student body which was celebrated on Nov 16. 2012.  It was a fantastic day.


Here on the stage are representatives from all cultures.  


(Proudly Canadian.  We had a great time at the Canada booth playing ball hockey, CFL football toss, sharing Canadian facts while serving salmon and cream cheese with a smile.  Thanks to Mac, Mary, Maeve, Robert, Chrissy, Crawford, Holly, Steve, for all your contributions for making a fab afternoon and night)
(Even a RCMP showed up)


~ Yi Ping Chiang Mai Lantern Festival ~
(Each year we pack our snacks, gather mats and camp ourselves out by the Mae Jo University. We relish hearing the monks chanting, feel the imminent peace and witness 1000s of lanterns light up the sky)  Trent is here with his harem of woman…haha.  He always seems to be the only guy)

(Nicole an old friend from Calgary came to visit for a week, she was lucky enough to experience the beauty of the lantern festival.  )


(What a cultural and slightly dangerous experience for all of us)


(Letting go of the bad to make room for the new blessings of the New Year)
(The last picture before Everett’s accident of getting hot wax on his face.  Our little man was a trooper and tough as nails)
(Ev’s face a few days after the initial incident at the lantern festival.  He healed up beautifully with no infections, it was just a bit annoying he said)
~ U12 Basketball 2012 CMAC Team ~ 
(Trent did a great job coaching these boys.  They played their hearts out taking bronze metal home with them.  Way to go boys)
(Proud Daddy with our boys)



(Emma and Moe.  Em loves to sweet talk Moe into rubbing her ~ always aching knees)


~ Easton heads out on camp week ~
(Easton, packed ready to head out for camp week with his class.  Their destination was Doi Suthep and other surrounding mountains, to visit hill tribe schools and learn more about the nature.  Such a fantastic experience for these kids!  Missed my boy though 🙁


(One last squeeze before they load up bound for the jungle)

(East and some of his crew.  We said GOODLUCK to the teachers taking this bunch to the mountains..haha)
(Easton made a photo documentary of his excursion.  Here he is tucking in for the night in his tent with his bunkmate Sean)

~ U14 CMAC Basketball CHAMPS ~ 

(This was a HUGE Accomplishment for these girls.  They trained long and hard to prepare themselves for their goal of taking home gold.  The confidence, pride and grit these young woman have shown makes me so proud to be their coach.  I love each and everyone of them,  I am a beaming Mom! Emma is an phenomenal sportswoman on top of her honor achievements)

A short but quick update on life of Schmu’s.  I have a few more others in the works and I will be finally caught up.
Again no other news, no babies or weddings.
Until next time.  Lots and lots of love
Trent. Jody. Em. East. Ev

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