Jan – April 2014


~ Happy New YEAR 2014 ~
(New Years was spent going to the movies and out for dinner chatting about our exciting year 2013… Love this family!!!)


(4:30am came early when we all piled into the truck to make our 12.5 hour drive down to the beach during Christmas/term break.  It was a great experience! A surprisingly easy drive just long, and poor Trent we took funny pictures bombs while he was zonked out)


(A fantastic way to start 2014… beach time!)


(There really was no one here, we had the beach to ourselves decorated with millions of seashells)


(Em found her reading spot.  The beach was deserted and so peaceful… we will have to come back to this coastal area for sure to keep exploring)   
(Cool beach chic)


(East and his favorite thai dish… khaw pad gai (chicken fried rice)





(East and his new buddy, a wondering beach dog.  Easton said “don’t worry mom I put my hands down his back, he does not have ticks.”  I guess the kids have worked with enough stray Temple dogs they should know)


 ~ “Game on” at the beach ~
(Strategy brewing on the sand)


(East going in for the touch tackle before Trent passes off to Ev)
(High 5 for Team E)


(They kept the locals entertained for hours)


(Sibling love… don’t these two look alike?)    


(One of the many reasons we love living here… fresh coconut everyday)  


(Jelly Fish… The kids were swimming and saw this creature by them.  Trent scooped it out and we were being enquirers (lol) examining him  😀


(Jump if you want ice cream)





(Our little hut at the Bayview Beach Resort in Prachuabkirikhan
Bangsaphan southern Thailand, a little gem we found)


(Time to head home… love this bunch, a great relaxing time at the beach!)




~ Ev and his mates ~
(James. Raffi. Ev. Joe – Game on boys – a fun bunch of kids)


 ~ 2014 Jr. Track and Field CMAC Meet ~
(Boys ready for the day to begin.  Easton was given #43 which was Trent’s football number, he thought that was pretty cool)


(DO NOT get in Ev’s way.  Ev was not to happy with this race and was determined to finish strong)


(East won Silver for Age Champion at the CMAC Track and Field meet breaking a previous record in his 10.7 meter shot-put throw.  Way to go kiddo!)



(Beaming parents — as always… )



(All our Age Champions this year from Prem.. very impressive!)



 ~ Old Man Ball Hockey ~
(Trent geared up for the finals in their Chiang Mai Invitational Ball Hockey Tournament)


(In honor of my Dad, Trent picked number 77 to wear on his jersey… so sweet babe!!!  Dad is proud and having a great time watching you  😀



(The next up and coming hockey star in flipflops  :D)


(My handsome hockey player getting into the zone before the big final!)


(77 goings in for a shot and he SCORES!)


(# 77’s cheering section!  Go DADDY!  I asked Easton if he was ready to get out on the court to play ball hockey and he said “No I’m enjoying myself, watching old man hockey, it’s pretty funny.”  hahaha



(Trent and fellow Highlander talking about the tough fought game against the team from Bangkok… some questionable calls made but a rematch will happen in March at the tournament in Phuket… Go Old Man’s Hockey!


(The 2014 Chiang Mai Highlander Ball Hockey Team)


(Well she is 14 now, so driving is starting.  The boys and I laughed so hard at this driving episode, next time no objects in the trunk or in the back seat…(haha.. inside joke with these cool cat kids)


~ Jetted off to see Avril Lavigne
in Bangkok with my chicky ~
(Emma’s Christmas present was a ticket to see Avril Lavgine live in Bangkok with her friend Eski.  We had so much fun, a great night away with my roomie and experiencing Emma’s first concert with her.  Love you kiddo… here’s to many more concerts to come..hehe)  


(Em and Eski rocking it out.  Love the Thai crowd they are so enthusiastic and passed out thousands of signs to show Avril)      


(They love to pose)



( xoxooxox )


~ Canadians treated for a night ~
(Rimping our local grocery store that caters to foreigners, had a evening of honoring Canadians with all their specific imported Canadian goods.  It was an interesting evening seeing what Canucks showed up, met a few of the regulars and we had a chuckle because besides one other couple we were the only full bread Canadians there  😀
(Citylife was out of course snapping pictures for the magazine and they captured a shot of the only thoroughbred couple Canucks there)


 (We cracked up as the hostess talked in a mic to the crowd explaining how the lobster that as flown in was Atlantic Lobster all the way from Vancouver Coast.  
Canada was pronounced Canader and the maple s-i-g-h-r-u-p.  
It was fun and the wine was tasty)



 ~ A beautiful morning for the Cancer Race ~


(The annual Four Seasons Cancer Race took place at the Huay Tung Tao lake and it was a perfect morning for it… so beautiful)
(Getting ready for the race to begin)



(And we are off.  Trent did great, despite his knee he ran the whole race.. fab job babe)



~ My babies are off for CAMP WEEK ~
(Easton and Emma were off this year for Camp Week at school.  Easton is all packed and set for his trekking around the highest mountain in Thailand, Doi Inthanon)


(The boys are ready to go… 
Piers, Maxime and East a tight crew and they all talk non stop..hehe)
(The boys a few days into camp, trekking on, they had a great time)


(All the grade 6’s reaching the highest spot in Thailand)


(Emmy is off, oh how we will have a quiet house with only one at home)        


(Sara and Emma ready to take on the weeks adventures ahead)



(The students piling into a songtaews, local Thai transport)


(Em and Sara in and they are ready to go… See you in a week (oh how the house will be quiet)


(Some of Em’s other classmates… these boys are trouble but can sure make you laugh)


(More of Em’s mates… my last speech to them to BE GOOD  😀



~ Ev’s u10 Prem Football Team ~
 (CHAMPS AGAIN!  Everett’s football team cleaned house yet again this year.  This u10 team is so fun to watch, they are a great bunch of kids)


 (Easton my handyman replacing Trent soon to complete all my projects)
~ Annual Pie Day… The best day ever! ~
 (A student lead group put together a charity event to raise money for Operation Smile to help children born with clef-pallets in Thailand.  The money was raised to vote for teachers you would like pied and with your donation your name went in a box for it to be drawn to have the honors of smashing a pie into the teachers face.  OHHHH what an awesome afternoon it was.  The top three teachers got pied and it was brilliant!)  Congratulations Operation Smile for your fantastic event!)


(Cuddle time! Emma and Easton are the only ones who allow the dogs to bunk with them, these four legged pups are so spoiled with an overflow of love)


~ A BIG Night for Emma! 
(and her mom and dad..haha)
(Emma’s all dressed up and has her dancing shoes on for her first “social” aka dance.  All the International Schools here in Chiang Mai get together for the occasional social and this was Emma’s first.  Love her spunky outfit which is so her and that she chose to wear what she felt was true to her, you look awesome kiddo!  So proud of the young woman you are!)


(Love you gorgeous girl, I love that you keep me young at heart and love walking this thing called life with you… you make me so proud)



(Em was so happy embracing putting on a bit of makeup, curling her hair and painting her nails, but said it was a one time only things… to much work to keep it up all the time..hahaha… that’s my confident, strong minded, determined girl)    



(Book week at school – The kids are to dress up as a character from a book… Our munchkin was creative to say the least and made himself a facebook… love it bud)


(Emma has been decorating her room and she has created this memory wall…. It is super cool, so fun looking back and seeing all the times she has cherished with so many loved people.  Thank you to everyone who loves my kids fiercely and passionately and adding to Em’s wall)    


(Sitting here in my office completing this post, I just had to share my favorite spot  😀  Pop over anytime and have a cuppa with me  😀  

Have an amazing Easter and hopefully for all our loved ones back in Canada spring comes soon!   
Lots of love….


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