an AMAZING woman


This blog is not a blog about our trip this is to all who new one of the most amazing woman ever.

In the evening of December 18th my gramma, Elinor Edmundson passed peacefully away surrounded by family in Edmonton.

My Gramma was definitally one of the strongest loving woman I have had the pleasure of knowing. She was a wonderful gramma and she is going to be missed so much!! When you were in her presence you could walk on water she made you feel so good. I would look awful and she would say “You are so beautiful you could make a paper bag look good”

As some of you know I was extremely close to my gramma and she had a termendious influence on my life as well as Trent and the kids. Trent viewed her like a gramma also, she embrassed him the moment he walked in her front door. Emma was fortunate enough to have hour long talks on the phone with gramma just talking away about whatever they wanted. The kids would get so excited to go to Ken & Gramma’s in Edmonton about every 5 weeks or so.

My gramma always encouraged us to chase our dreams she would always say “good for you, go do it” She taught me life is life and you roll with the punches (which is true) That family is very very important.

My gramma has left this earth to now be with her daughter Wendy whom passed six yrs. ago and also my dad up in Heaven which is a comforting thought.

We found out my gramma was sick a few months ago. We talked about cancelling our trip to Asia but she insisted that we go, that she wanted us to have an adventure and show the kids the world. My gramma wanted the best for everyone, she was truely amazing.

My grandfather Ken is now surrounded by his loving family, my grandparents were best friends and married for over 55ys. I am not there right now and I am sorry for that. To all my family I love you so much and I am sorry to my aunty Penny, mom and uncles for the loss of thier mom. To all my cousins please hug eachother for me and your parents, everyone give ken a huge hug for me and a kiss on his cheek and tell him I love him so very very much.

I am going to deeply miss my gramma as she was always always there for me. I would call her for anything, she was a pro with babies as she had six of her own & cooking tips I had no idea about. She instilled a love of flowers for Emma and birds in both the kids. The kids would say “theres a bird, we have to ask gramma about that one” it was a wonderful relationship they had with her.

My mom said they most likely will be having a service for my Gramma on Thursday in Edmonton however details will be figured out in the next few days.

I talked to my Gramma a few days ago and very thankful for that but it will so hard to come home and not just call her in the middle of the day to chit chat and find out whats been happening with my family in Edmonton (she was central station)

Well thanks for listening, its strange being away from the reality of it all. To those who did not have the pleasure of knowing Mrs. Elinor Edmundson she was wonderful, to everyone else if you know my mom she will be at my grandparents 466-8143.

All my love xoxoxooxoxox jody


  • Reply
    Tom and Tracy
    December 24, 2005 at 6:59 pm

    We were so sorry to read about the loss of your Grama, that was very sad to hear. I didn’t have the pleasure of meeting her, but felt that your email was beautifully written and she really did sound just as you wrote about her…an amazing woman.

    Tom and Tracy.

  • Reply
    December 23, 2005 at 4:48 am

    I just got home from Edmonton,Gramas funeral was beautiful.We all missed you so much.Im sure it has been very dificult for you…But as Ive said Jody you are where Grama wanted you to be..She would have wanted you to enjoy your holiday to the fullest..You are so right Grama was an amazing women .She will be missed dearly..So you found Santa Im so happy..You know miracles do happen .Well now we all have to get through Christmas ..that could be hard but we will do our best for Ken.It is not right to plan a funeral and try to get through christmas at the same time.Any ways give everyone my love I miss you all so much…Have a very Merry Christmas and hopefully we can talk to Christmas day. By I love you all soooo much …Love Mom

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