Find our way to Krabi

Trent and I woke up Wed. morning at 5:00am to make the drive to Krabi (south of Phuket) for a night. Trent was exhausted so he slept the whole drive while I was back tracking from making the wrong turns. It is a little challenging driving down a highway trying to read signs in Thai script with very small english print underneath them or when signs are hidden behind a big shrine and they are not visible… Oh THAILAND

I made the trip in two hours so it was not bad. I drove into Krabi town and we had no idea where on earth we were going, no signs on the road except a very faded sign in the median with a small arrow.

From my investigating I decided we would stay in the area of Ao Nang( was interesting trying to find it) I have no idea how we found it. On our way to Ao Nang I saw out of the corner of my eye this giant structure. I drove off the road alittle fast Trent said, but I could not miss this photo op 🙂 sorry honey for scaring you… xoxoxo


Found a hotel to stay at for the night, Ao Nang Buri Resort. It was a clean bed and the staff was very nice and it was right on the beach so it was a good choice.


As soon as we checked in we arranged a longtail boat for the day so we could check out a few surrounding islands. We went to board our boat with a guy who spoke good english but he was a bit busy smoking his fatty but was gracious enough to offer us some but 10:00am, is a bit to early 🙂 We are shocked by this because in Thailand drugs are highly illegal and if you are caught with any ..a long jail sentence for you… and the jail is not somewhere you would ever want to go.

Out on the sea we went. The wind was blowing and I was having a hard time trying to keep my eyes open with all the salt water coming over the boat. It was a interesting ride, we sure were getting rocked out on the sea.

Our first stop was Chicken Island, named this because it is in a shape of a chicken. Unfortunalty I did not get the shot because I was trying to hold myself in the boat. Trent and I did a bit of snorkeling here but it was not the greatest (we are now spoiled) so we continued to the other side of Chicken island that had a sand bar that connected to Tup Island. This was beautiful, the water was crystal clear and it was a great memory. At low tide Tup island is a little deserted island on its own.

It was hard walk walking the sand bar with the wind blowing and the sand being so soft under our feet or because the few extra pounds we are carrying around. Trent and I both have increased our waist size since we first came. We have been told it is all the coconut milk they use in their food, but we just can’t stop eating it. The Thai people are so tiny, it must be how we digest foods (that is our explanation anyways)


After Tup we went to Poda island and this island had a few little bungalows and a resturant. The beach was very nice but it was a tourist trap so we hailed down An- our boatman and we were off to our next stop Phanang Cape. This was amazing!


Here in Krabi it is world famous for rockclimbing. These limestone rocks were breathtaking. We walked into a cave and watch a woman rockclimber and it was beautiful, I wanted to do a day course but Trent does not get to excited about heights.


I loved the floating longtail store, Trent ordered BBQ corn and it was delicious! This little cafe on water had a great selection of food, very handy for island hoppers like us.



Again I am amazed at the beauty of this world and I am savoring every moment I can, our days are being numbered.


We made it back to our hotel pool, had a few cocktails and the last thing I remember was closing my eyes on the chase lounge enjoying the warmth of the sun. When I awoke from my nap I found Trent snoring up a storm, nice and relaxed.


After dinner at great resturant called Tantum’s in Ao Nang we walked the street market. I love shopping at the markets, it is fun to watch Trent try to work his deals.

It was about 10:30pm and we went for a foot massage (who can resist) and Trent fell asleep again in the chair, snoring away. The Thai woman were talking about us and how big Trent’s feet were, they are amazed at his size… Our foot massage led into a hour massage and oh was it great. I had a real authentic Thai massage and I loved it. It was not like the ones I have had before, this girl had finger of death (sooo strong) and it was the best massage I have ever had. No oil, 100% pressure on all the muscles on my body.

Thurday morning we joined a tour group to Hong Island to go kayaking. Here is our truck that picked us up and by the end of the rounds the truck was full of people.


We took a longtail boat again for about an hour to get to the island. Hong island is unique because on one side of the island it is a lagoon. Trent and I were in the same kayak for the adventure and off we went out on the ocean to see the beauty of the limestone rock and whatever misteries that were ahead of us .


We entered the lagoon and it was amazing to look at this rock and see these formations, to be mezmorized by the history and stories it could tell. It was very shallow here so Trent reached down and grabbed a star fish and a oyster. We were a bit disspointed because of all the motorboats that come into the lagoon and the residue of oil and fums is starting to take way from the beauty.


It was very difficult kayaking because I could not take pictures of Trent so I had to take pictures of people in our group, so just pretend it’s us in them. I told Trent I need someone to follow us around who likes and knows how to take pictures so I show up every now then.


Our guide continued the tour around the island and we saw some caves with birds nest that are highly sot after for “birds nest soup” that the Chinese like.

We were paddling and one of the guys spotted something in the water. We paddled towards it and it was a HUGE jelly fish. It was unreal to see the size of it and it was great reminder about all the unknowns and dangerous creatures that live in the ocean.


Here is Hong bay and it was a very beautiful spot to relax on the beach. We went snorkeling here and the fish were on the attack again. Trent had bread and they came in the hundreds and surrounded him. (like Hanama-bay, right Bon!) He has been nibbled on so much now it does not bother him anymore.






Our tour took us to a few other islands that were great to do more snorkeling. Trent went out with an American guy we met and saw a sea snake like we saw before and a jelly fish again. I took a break and walk around the islands a bit which was quite interesting. On one island people lived there on this little beach and they made quite the home out of it. They had bamboo swings, bamboo beds, tables, even a kitchen area. I did not want to be disrespectful so I did not take many pictures and the ones I did get were not very good.

The hour long boat ride seemed to take forever after we left our tour this day. It was nice to get back to the hotel, shower and head home. We stopped for dinner, filled our tank up with gas and made our way back to our munchkins who were fast alseep.

Krabi was a short trip but a great one, I am really glad we went.


Today with the Olynyks rented a speedboat to go over to Coral & Raya islands with the four older kids, again thank goodness for Melody as she watched Everett & Jaidyn. We had a really great day. The kids loved snorkelling and we saw so many fish, the kids loved feeding the fish bread. Here are a few pictures for our day. We actually found Nemo fish and they were the neatest little fish…


Here is Ty surrounded by fish as he is dropping bread for them…





This is Raya Island and it was beautiful on this beach. We went snorkeling close to here and there were many scuba dive boats around.


Trent was most excited about fishing I think. The Thai’s use a jig system and they unravel a like, attached a hook and bait and you throw your line in. Trent caught a small fish and pulled it in by hand.


I have to put a few pictures of Everett on here, my cute boy. He is learning and growing everyday.



And yes Ginger the boys have matching Spidy outfits…. They look soooo cute…. 🙂


I can’t believe I stayed up to put this blog together so I apoligize in advance for any spelling mistakes or run on sentences. It is now two o’clock in the afternoon for you and it is four o’clock AM here so I must get to bed. Hopefully my sweet husband will let me sleep in 🙂

We will be back next week!!!


1 Comment

  • Reply
    Tom and Tracy
    February 14, 2006 at 6:09 am

    Happy Valentines Day Schmus!!

    As tomorrow is Valentines Day, or rather today for everyone in Thailand, or is it tomorrow here now and what should be today there is actually yesterday somewhere else?

    Or is it tomorrow morning there when it’s yesterday evening here in the afternoon? No, that’s not right, its Tuesday morning there when it’s Sunday morning here, the day after tomorrow, three days ago….at night sometime…

    Anyways, my short attention span has lead me off on another tangent again.

    So as I was saying, as Valentines Day is here “sometime”, I thought I would dedicate this short blog to all things lovely, like my wife Tracy…(I’m going to have to print this off to show her). So let the Love Festival begin.

    I searched the internet for stories about St. Valentines, or popular gifts for people this year; who sent the first Valentines Card (It was Miss Esther Howland) and I ended up finding something very simple and straightforward. How to say “I love you” in 100 different languages.

    As you seem to meet so many people from other countries on your travels, here is another way to say “I love you” in other languages.

    I guess, however, it may be a bit awkward trying to work this into a conversation with someone you’ve only just met, but hey, it’s Valentines, give it a try.

    Afrikaans: Ek is lief vir jou
    Cuban: Tevwnol
    Eskimo (Inuktitut): Nagligivagit
    French: Je t’aime/je t’adore
    Greek: S’agapo
    Icelandic: Eg elska pig
    Maori: Ka nui taku aroha mauu
    Malay: Saya cintakan kamu
    Nepali: Ma timilai maya garchu
    Thai: Chun ruk ter

    So for all of those Eskimo tourists your chuming around with in Thailand, a big hearty “Nagligivagit” to you too.

    Happy Valentines Day Schmus.

    Tom and Tracy

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