Dec 2010 ~ Pre Christmas :)

Still reminiscing about 2010 ๐Ÿ™‚
This was our first Christmas season in Chiang Mai since our move here and there was alot going on. We put up our tree December 4th and like every year went on a hunt for some decorations. We mailed a box of ornaments from Panama but unfortunately they did not all make it, but we had enough to work with, on top of the limited decorations we could find here.


It is a Buddhist country but there is a small Christmas flare here and there, depending where you are. I missed the amazing Christmas options we used to get in Panama, nothing will compare to there I think.



(My Christmas helper giving away kisses)



(East loves putting up his decorations)



(decorating our tree is always so much fun)

(Rudolph is in Chiang Mai early… cutie)



(Hard to not crack up with these munchkins. Here is to another great holiday season)





Chiang Mai’s Santa Breakfast


This was a fantastic event that was fun to organize with my girlfriend. We had over 200 people attend and it was a huge success. The premise of the morning was for the children to experience some Christmas traditions like home (our native homes). When you live overseas your community becomes apart of your family and you have to be a bit more creative to bring the feeling of home to you. This day was awesome especially Santa!



(Here is Moe (our helper) at the cookie decorating table. We also had Christmas ornaments to make,, face painting, and card making. Lots to keep all the children busy)




(the breakfast was at the Gymkanna Club and we had over 200 people show up for the event. The weather was perfect and our live singer really created a wonderful holiday spirit)




Here Comes Santa…

(Santa was pretty darn COOL. The kids went crazy seeing Santa arrive on an elephant and they followed him which created a setting like the Jungle Book. Since I co-organized the event can you guess who Santa was? My wonderful husband ~ (no choice)..haha He did an fantastic job.

(there were over 100 kids and what was comical was when I handed Trent the gifts for each child I had to whisper their names to him because he could not pronounce half of them. It was a great morning and all the kids were thrilled ~ it was all about the kids in awe of Santa)



(Santa and his helpers ~ great job family and thank you for helping out in so many ways. Very proud of the kids, they are real troopers in helping out and pulling together to make this event that much better)
(Me and my Santa, I am lucky, I was the one who got to take him home with me ๐Ÿ™‚
(not everyday you see a Santa riding an elephant down a street ๐Ÿ™‚

Carols by Candlelight

(We had a beautiful evening of singing Carols by Candlelight at school to celebrate the season. The sound was magical and it really created the mood for Christmas even though we had no snow. It will be interesting what our kids will do to celebrate and where, with their own families one day)

(Ev came out all dressed up as Santa ~ he looked so adorable. I can’t stop kissing this kid, I smoother him so much… my baby is growing up!)



Concert Time

(The kids had an end of the year holiday concert. It was awesome. Sorry I don’t have any film footage on the blog, it was to large to put on, I have to shorten it now)
(Ev kept his class in rhythm, singing about honey, honey, honey so good to eat)
(East was front and center leading the surrounding girls ๐Ÿ™‚ and did a great job)
(Em did fantastic in her violin performance, her teacher commended her for all her practicing and leadership in class. It is funny, when Em practices at home Essie howls and howls)

This was a short and sweet update. We are moving houses here in Chiang Mai and after many hours of looking we finally found one that fits the bill. It is not a traditional house as we know it, East says “it is like a tree house” More on that soon. Happy February!

With all our love
Trent. Jody. Em. East. Ev


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