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Chapter 5. WT. Rajasthan State India

We finished exploring the rest of the Rajasthan State in India (Pushkar – Udaipur – Jodpur – Jaisalmer – Bikaner – Madawa) which was incredibly diverse, colorful, desolate, beautiful, incredibly sad all the while never a shortage of smiles…

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Chapter 4. WT. Varanasi & Agra INDIA

We have been loving India now for 6 days traveling 1,964 km so far. New Delhi – Varanasi – Agra – Jaipur – Pushkar. Each place has its own magic and charm and SUPER S-L-O-W internet. To continue with…

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Philippines 2016

First chapter of the World Tour! Well our first chapter of this amazing adventure is closing here in the Philippines which has been great to experience in so many ways; from feeling like we were back in Panama, to…

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Ferry ~ Manila Phillippines.

Landed safe in Manila, made it to the ferry terminal to catch our cargo ship for the 24 hour journey to Cebu. Can’t stop laughing because we are sharing not only with people but also their pet roosters 🐓…

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HERE WE Go… Leaving Thailand

HERE WE GOOO… House is packed up, kids have started online school, dogs have an amazing new home, truck is sold, emotions have got the best of some of us 😉 … making us ready for this next adventure.…

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Sweet Farewells

We said our final farewells and most treasured goodbyes to our beloved extended family and Chiang Mai to embark on yet another adventure and “unknown future” ahead of us. Our family has done this a few times now (leaving…

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Elephant Parade… Mom’s last day

It was great having my Mom come visit for the month, I apologized to her repeatedly about the chao of leaving Thailand, planning a round the globe trip, kids going in multiple directions and just life with a family…

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Robbed before we left :(

You can imagine my shock when 3 days before we were to fly out of Chiang Mai and the morning before the shipping company was coming to the house I discovered early in the morning WE HAD BEEN ROBBED.…

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New Years in Krabi 2016

We had an amazing week in Krabi experiencing our last Thai getaway for a while. With my Mom coming to visit one last time it was only fitting we hit the beach for her to experience. The kids had…

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Last Christmas in Thailand. 2015

What a bitter sweet time for us. The agonizing decision that has been talked about, rethought about, lost sleep over has finally been put into action. The Schmus are leaving Thailand and moving back to our passport country of…

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