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From Old Panama – School

The kids are back to school now, Emma in Grade 1 & Easton in Kindergarten. Easton loves school even though there is no other English speaking kids in his class. East has such a great attitude he said tonight…

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Playa Blanca & a dose of Carnival

Hello there… Amigos   Time is flying by and it is already Feb 23rd, does time ever slip through our fingers. We have been here over a month now and I am already planning our trip back to Canada…

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Isla Grande… a visit to an island

Hello there, I am late with my blog postings but better late then never… Since my last post we were invited to a pool BBQ by a family that lives in the next building beside us. Easton goes to…

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Ordinary Life in Panama

It seems like ages since I last wrote only because life has been so crazy around here. If you thought we were moving to a Latin country to take siestas or afternoon tea you are mistaken. Life with three…

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We have contact with the world.

Oh my goodness is it great to be in the internet loop again…. we just got our internet hooked up in our apartment. We arrived last Saturday to Panama and checked into the Albrook Inn. I would have to…

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Done Disney off to Panama…

The Schmuland Family has departed Canada! We left Calgary on Jan 6th for a week filled of Disney Princesses and endless competitions on the Buzz Light year ride..(we all know who the true champion is) The kids had a…

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On a jet plane… Jan 6th, 2007

HELLO from the Schmuland clan. Since you found our blog you must be checking to find out what crazy adventure we are up to now 🙂 So… where to now and why??? The WHERE: Panama, Central America The WHY:…

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