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Sweet Farewells

We said our final farewells and most treasured goodbyes to our beloved extended family and Chiang Mai to embark on yet another adventure and “unknown future” ahead of us. Our family has done this a few times now (leaving…

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Richards. Gold Medals. Sweet 16.

  Soon another chapter closes~ Richards came to visit! Love having visitors and the Richards came for their third tour in September. (Kids are getting bigger and we parents are getting more antique. xoxo)   (Us girls enjoying a…

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Summer in Canada 2015

  The Summer of 2015 This entry will be a bit different, Emma is now assisting and is becoming a fantastic editor. This post is Emma’s daybue. (YA!) Summer came and went by so fast already, Easton is officially…

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The beginning of 2015

So thankful for our “where to kids” it has been so fun to always (but behind) document what is so precious in our lives. He is fiesty… and loves his football (Ev is a power house in football! Way…

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May – August 2013 Summer Fun!

Holy Smokes, this is going to be the mother of all blogs full of pictures, quick updates and more pictures πŸ˜€ Β Since life has escaped me multiple times to post I have combined the last 6 months together to…

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