Sweet Farewells

We said our final farewells and most treasured goodbyes to our beloved extended family and Chiang Mai to embark on yet another adventure and “unknown future” ahead of us.

Our family has done this a few times now (leaving Canada, Panama, now Thailand) and each time it is bitter sweet with amazing memories, excitement of the next chapter and sad for the missed connections of an unique life we have shared with others.

Thankful is an understated word for how we feel about our five and half years in Chiang Mai and the amazing lessons and gifts that have shaped who we are to this day. Everett for the most part has no other memories other than his life in the land of smiles, he was a babe of 5yrs when we moved here. Asia forever will be apart of him as the rest of us. Emma and Easton are old enough to have soaked up unforgettable lessons and life experiences that will be fascinating to hear in many years to come. Trent and I will most likely miss life in Chiang Mai the most!  😉 The kids are ready to move and for their futures it is the best choice and time for them to experience their passport country that for the most part only have summer memories of.

I know we will be back and will always have life long friends from Thailand. Life is all about no regrets and living life to the fullest ~ here we go again! 😀


Panthers Farewell…

IMG_1222What an amazing night at the last Panthers Sports Banquet at Prem.  Not only were the kids awarded multiple awards each for their amazing achievements on their teams which I am so incredibly proud of them for, but Trent and I were honored as well for our long time dedication as coaches at Prem over the years.

It was an emotional night and I will coaching so much. The applause and speeches were a confirmation that the students knew we believed in them and we had high expectations they challenged themselves to achieve. With so much love Coach Jody and Trent

*Emma – Most Valuable Player (Volleyball)
*Easton – Most Valuable Player (Volleyball)
– Most Valuable Player (Basketball)
*Everett – Coaches Award (Volleyball)


IMG_1217 A very special gift, with so many notes from current and past players.



Our AMAZING athletes. So proud of the leaders and team players you are both on and off the court.


IMG_1184A perfect way to say Goodbye to the athletics department with a game of football. Teachers vs Students. It was a blast with these ladies! May Cougar pride live on!


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The kids having their last send off with markings on their shirts with touching and hilarious goodbyes. The amazing thing about being an International kid is they will forever have connections around the world. See you kiddos soon!


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LOVE these ladies. Thank you so much for all the love and support over the years on the front lines and behind the scenes. I will our PSA group discussions and always being the loudest cheerleaders on the sidelines.

Lets Party!!!

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An amazing night of “see you again!” So honored to have such a send off from everyone.  Our life size poster was so much fun!

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Over 100 people came to say “See Ya Schmu’s” It was an awesome night to remember (or try to at least 😉


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Emma with Sara and Anna… Can’t wait to see where these girls are in 10 yrs.


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Trent. Me. Gina. Joanne. Ann. Thomas – With love you guys!


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Here is to more sleepless nights and “OMG what have we done day!”  😉
I would never change a thing. xox


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Nothing like a teacher hanging out with the students… Relle. East. Daniel. Em. Sara

party 10 TROUBLE… Simon. Mark. John. Hubby. Mike


party 13 More trouble!!! Jim. Rob. Steve and the Big Guy


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Pat. Trent and Gary… The three stooges forsure!



A farewell Escape Hunt with our favorite people. Thanks you guys it was so much fun. So great to have everyone together kids and all!



Our A-B-F Land & House Dinner. Love you special people. Thank you for all the great laughs, deep conversations, rock music, and truly amazing food. Forever in our hearts and until we meet up again! xoxoox (love that Lars could join us 😉

Chiang Mai is such a special place and things we will never forget:

  • Thai massages
  • Pad Thai
  • All Thai food
  • Cheap movie theaters
  • Gorgeous greenery
  • Palm trees
  • Rice fields
  • Freedom on the scooter
  • Awesome coffee
  • Wonderful International Family
  • Coaching

Heavy and excited heart signing off. xooxxo

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