Settling in

Happy New Year!!! (Jesse & Trent) We had a fun New Years; we had a babysitter for the kids so out on the island we went. Trent and I went for dinner with a couple from Finland and with…

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Merry Merry Christmas!!!

Merry Christmas to all!! Any big plans for New Years? The Thai’s celebrate New Years here so I am not to sure what we are up to just yet for New Years, I might possibly have a babysitter so…

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We are so thankful!!

As you know my wonderful gramma passed away and so these days have been difficult being away from my family. I will ALWAYS have my gramma in my heart and be thankful that I had so much time with…

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an AMAZING woman

Hello, This blog is not a blog about our trip this is to all who new one of the most amazing woman ever. In the evening of December 18th my gramma, Elinor Edmundson passed peacefully away surrounded by family…

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we found SANTA!!!

Sawdee Kaa (hello) We found Santa at last and did he ever make an entrance. Trent & I told the kids to hurry up so we could go eat lunch because someone special was coming soon. Emma asked a…

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Out for a swim

Merry Christmas!!! We have been getting settled more and more each day. I was asked about our house and here are a few picture of it. We have a gated three bedroom/three bath home in a complex called Land…

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What a day with the animals!

What a day we had. Never in my wildest dreams did I think we would touch and get pictures with the animals we did at the zoo today. I was quite hesitant about going to the zoo today in…

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24hours of fly time, finally on Phuket

Hello everyone, Thank you for all your well wishes and weather updates (tom, haha) Gramma thank you so very much for your letter, I am so happy to hear you are doing great. We are finally getting settled in…

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“Star Ferry” to “The Peak”

Here is our street outside our hotel we walk many times a day. This is Kimberly Street in Kowloon, Hong Kong. Today started off really early, Emma was up at 4:30am Hong Kong time and woke Everett up whom…

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finally in Hong Kong

What a trip to get here almost on the other side of the world. We left Calgary on Monday and our plane was delayed by a couple of hours. Thank goodness we made our connecting flight in San Fran…

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